Aveva Design sees increase in orders with sales app App4Sales

No more paperwork for Aveva Design with App4Sales! With the sales app representatives easily write orders via the digital catalog on a tablet. The entered orders are sent automatically to the Fortnox administration. As a result of the realtime integration with Fortnox the representatives can consult stock information and up-to-date data at all times.

Aveva Logo

Aveva Design AB is located in Malmö, Sweden and was founded in 2011. The company designs and produces environmentally friendly home decoration and accessories. The traditional trademark of Aveva Design is combining and contrasting the ‘wonders of life’ wood and wool in her designs. The company is always looking for opportunities to create responsible and contemporary designer products using traditional and natural materials. That is why Aveva Design has expanded her collection with other environmentally friendly materials in addition to wood and wool.

Sales app at Aveva

Aveva Design is a specialized company that strives for fast delivery and up-to-date stock management. App4Sales contributes to this. Christoph Jeckelmann, director of Aveva Design AB says:

“If you do it right from the start, it will cost you little in the end”

Sales app integrated with Fortnox administration

Before introducing sales app App4Sales, Aveva Design wrote down her orders on paper. This paperwork was then photographed and the order manually entered in the Fortnox administration. Paperwork is error-prone and creates double work. For that reason Aveva decided to start looking for a digital order system that is able to connect to their Fortnox administration. Since the introduction of App4Sales to Aveva Design, fewer steps need to be taken during the order process. Because of the digitalization time is saved and there is less chance of human errors. Another important advantage of the sales app is that representatives have access to up-to-date stock information at any time. Christoph Jeckelmann, director of Aveva Design AB says:

“When we receive multiple orders at the same time, App4sales makes it possible for us to handle orders much faster. With the app we can see the realtime stock information in Fortnox after each order”

Offline mode and Lookbook add value for Aveva representatives

Next to the digitization of the order process with App4Sales, Aveva Design experiences other advantages with the sales app. One of these advantages is the offline mode within App4Sales which is very helpful at tradefairs as there often is no access to a WiFi connection. The offline mode offers the possibility to write orders and create customers without any internet connection. As soon as an internet connection is available the new data can be sent to the Fortnox administration. Another advantage for Aveva is the Lookbook function, which reduces the need for paper catalogues and allows agents to travel with only a tablet. In the future Aveva hopes to welcome more agents within her company and to expand her distribution channel. In doing so, “App4Sales is the right way to go”.

App4Sales lookbook catalogue Aveva Design AB

More completed orders for Aveva Design with sales app App4Sales

The use of App4Sales results in a strong decrease of unfinished orders for Aveva. With paper orders, people tend to cancel their order more often. “With the digital order process, we have seen that customers actually proceed their orders” says Christoph Jeckelmann, director at Aveva Design.

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