General Terms and Conditions Optimizers
These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) govern the purchase of Services (as defined below) by a Customer (as defined below) from an Optimizers Group Entity (as defined below). Optimizers Group B.V. is a company with limited liability, incorporated and registered in the Netherlands with company number 75348217 whose registered office is at Ampèrestraat 3 d, in (3861NC) Nijkerk, the Netherlands.
The definitions and rules of interpretation in this Section apply to these Terms and Conditions.
1.1 Definitions:
„Apps“: software applications that offer distinct functionality (including, but not limited to, App4Sales, App4Customers, Core-portal, Core-portalpro, App4Picking, Core-portalPIM, App2Track, Tweakwise, Warpspeed) as selected in Schedule 1.
„Authorized Users„: those employees and independent contractors of the Customer who are entitled to install the Apps and Web Applications via the Optimizers Cloud Platform through the Subscription Services under an Optimizers Agreement, as further described in Section 20.5(b).
„Business Day„: generally accepted working day in the country from which Optimizers maintenance and support services are provided, with the exception of official public holidays.
„Confidential Information„: information that is proprietary or confidential for a Party and is either clearly labelled as such or identified as Confidential Information in Section 10.4 or Section 10.5.
„Configuration Services„: the configuration and related work, to be performed by Optimizers for the initial set-up, and to configure the Optimizers Cloud Platform so that the Optimizers Cloud Platform conforms to the Software Specification.
„Consultancy Services„: the provision of advice that can relate to, among other things, the implementation, installation, setting up, or training on the use of, the Software.
„Customer„: means a Person that enters into an Optimizers agreement with Optimizers or is negotiating an Optimizers Agreement with Optimizers.
„Customer Data„: the data that was entered into the information fields of the Software or into the database to which the Software is connected by the Customer, by the Authorized Users, ERP/API Connectors, or by Optimizers on the Customer’s behalf.
„Customer Personal Data“: as defined in Section 6.
„Customized Software„: the software and/or components developed in accordance with the Software Specifications by Optimizers on the instructions of the Customer that are not part of the Optimizer’s standard software (i.e. Optimizers Cloud Platform).
„Deliverable„: a defined level of functionality within a particular phase of the Configuration Services, to be elaborated and more particularly described in the Project Plan.
„API Connectors„: any connectors that connect the Optimizers Cloud Platform and the Customer’s Business systems and that are specially created for the Customer.
„Errors“: as defined in Section 18.2.
„Force Majeure“: as defined in Section 14.1.
„Licensing Services„: the services provided by Optimizers that allow Authorized Users to access and use the Software via (on-premise or private cloud) servers.
„Maintenance„: any error corrections, updates and upgrades that Optimizers may provide or perform with respect to the Software and Subscription Services, as well as any other support services provided to the Customer under these Terms and Conditions or other Optimizers Agreements, all as described in Sections 21 – 23.
„Maintenance Events„: as defined in Section 21.1.
„Normal Business Hours„: 08:30 to 17:00 Central European Time (CET), during each Business Day.
„Optimizers“: the relevant Optimizers Group Entity that agrees to provide the Optimizers Service(s) to Customer as documented in the Optimizers Agreement.
„Optimizers Agreement“: Any agreement concluded between the Parties in respect of one or more Optimizers Services, including any amendment of such agreement, all factual and legal acts to prepare such agreement, offers and order confirmations and these Terms and Conditions.
„Optimizers Cloud Platform“: the software platform as developed by Optimizers, through which a Customer can download, install and run Apps and Web Applications as further defined in Schedule 1.
„Optimizers Group Entity„: Either Optimizers Group B.V. or one of its subsidiaries. A “subsidiary” is an entity that meets the definition provided in Section 2:24a of the Dutch Civil Code, or is a legal entity for which Optimizers Group B.V. has (i) more than 50% of either the share capital or the voting rights, and (ii) the ability to direct its management and affairs.
„Optimizers Services“ or “Services”: The Configuration Services, Consultancy Services, Subscription Services, Licensing Services, Private Cloud Services and or Maintenance when applicable, and all as defined in these Terms and Conditions and further described in the Optimizers Agreement and/or Project Plan.
„Party/Parties„: Optimizers and the Customer.
„Person„: means a natural person or legal entity or company with legal personality.
„Privacy Policy„: the privacy policy of Optimizers, made separately available on Optimizers‘ website, which applies to Optimizers‘ processing of the Customer Personal Data and is in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
„Private Cloud Services„: those services as described in the Optimizers Agreement and/or Project Plan.
„Private Cloud Software„: the software as described in the Optimizers Agreement and/or Project Plan.
„Project Plan„: the plan to be developed in the planning stage of the Configuration Services and/or Consultancy Services.
“Seats”: as defined in Section 20.5.
„Service Level Agreement„: the service level agreement set out in Schedule 2.
„Software„: Optimizers‘ proprietary software in machine-readable object code form only, consisting of the Optimizers Cloud Platform, ERP/API Connectors, Web Applications and Apps, including any error corrections, updates, upgrades, modifications and enhancements to it provided to the Customer under an Optimizers Agreement.
„Software Specification„: the functionality and performance specifications for the Software, as set out in the release notes that are published on the Optimizers Cloud Platform and Customized Software.
„Subscription Services„: the services provided by Optimizers that allow Authorized Users to access and use the Optimizers Cloud Platform.
„Support“: as defined in Section 23.1.
„System Requirements„: the minimum requirements that Optimizers sets for the Customer’s hardware and software to be able to access the Optimizers Services.
„Terminal“: any computer device on which the Apps are installed and/or which runs the Web Applications, that at a minimum complies with the System Requirements and any other specifications and/or requirements, that have been specified in the release notes that are published on the Optimizers Cloud Platform.
“Terms and Conditions”: as defined in the Recitals above.
„Update“: a version of the Software in which an adjustment or an improvement is made.
„Virus„: any thing or device (including any software, code, file or program) which may: prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect the operation of any computer software, hardware or network, any telecommunications service, equipment or network or any other service or device; prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect access to or the operation of any program or data, including the reliability of any program or data (whether by re-arranging, altering or erasing the program or data in whole or part or otherwise); or adversely affect the user experience, including worms, Trojan horses, viruses and other similar things or devices.
„Web Application“: software applications that offer distinct functionality, and may be accessible via the internet by a web browser.
The General Provisions apply to every use, maintenance and support of all Software and all Services provided by Optimizers. The special provisions as included in Part B, C, D, E and F specifically apply to the purchase of the specific product or instruction by Customer of the specific service to be provided by Optimizers.
2.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to every Optimizers Agreement.
2.2 Optimizers expressly rejects the applicability of the Customer’s purchasing or general terms and conditions to any Optimizers Agreement.
2.3 Optimizers is solely responsible and liable for the correct and timely performance of its obligations towards Customer under the Optimizers Agreement. Each and any of the other Optimizer Group Entities are not responsible and cannot be held liable by Customer for the timely and correct performance of Optimizers‘ obligations.
2.4 Optimizers is entitled to revise these terms and conditions from time to time. The amended terms and conditions enter into effect on the date mentioned in the message in which Optimizers announces the amendments.
2.5 Terms, documents or other communications between the Parties that deviate from these Terms and Conditions will be binding only if they have been agreed in writing by both Parties and will apply only to the case in question.
2.6 Section, Schedule and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions. A reference to writing or written includes e-mail communication.
2.7 If there is a conflict between the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the provisions in another Optimizers Agreement, the provisions in the other Optimizers Agreement will control. If there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions in the main body of these Terms and Conditions and the Schedules, the provisions in the main body of the Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
2.8 These Terms and Conditions have been drawn up in different languages. Of there is a difference in opinion about the content or purport of these Terms and Conditions the English text will be binding.
3.1 All offers or quotations by Optimizers regarding the Optimizers Services are non-binding and revocable.
3.2 The Customer can place an order for Optimizers Services in the manner indicated by Optimizers. Each order is subject to Optimizers’ acceptance and Optimizers may accept or refuse an order at its sole discretion.
4.1 All prices and rates applied by Optimizers exclude VAT and other taxes, levies and surcharges of any nature imposed now or in the future by government or any other competent authority.
4.2 Payments by the Customer must be made unconditionally, without deferment, discounts, right to suspend or settlement, within 14 days of the invoice date.
4.3 The Customer owes Optimizers the fees for the Optimizers Services, irrespective of whether the Customer actually uses them or not.
4.4 Optimizers is authorised to unilaterally increase the amount of the fees within 30 days of the start of any calendar year on the basis of the general figure of the CPI index for the Netherlands by. This adjustment will be announced by email and/or otherwise.
4.5 Separate from price index-based increase as per Section 4.4, Optimizers can additionally increase the fees, at its sole discretion, by providing Customer with a minimum of 60 days’ prior notice. In the event that the Customer does not accept such fee increase, the Customer may terminate the applicable Optimizers Agreement as of the date on which the fee increase would take effect by providing at least 30 days‘ prior written notice.
4.6 Optimizers may, at its sole discretion, allow the Customer to pay the fees in installments. Upon expiry or termination of the Optimizers Agreement, Optimizers may immediately claim any outstanding amounts not yet paid by the Customer in accordance with such agreement, along with any accrued and unpaid interest.
4.7 Optimizers may, at its sole discretion, offer Customer various payment methods. To the extent Optimizers offers a specific payments method to the Customer and the Customer accepts it, the Customer agrees that additional conditions may be imposed by Optimizers or third parties related to that payment method.
4.8 If the Customer and Optimizers have agreed that payment will be perfomed via direct debit collection, the Customer will provide Optimizers with the correct authorization and the Customer must have a bank account with a national or international bank that is registered with the local central bank. To the extent a direct debit is not possible, the invoiced amount must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date.
4.9 If Optimizers has not received payment within five days after the due date, and without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of Optimizers:
(a) Optimizers shall be under no obligation to provide any or all of the Optimizers Services while the invoice(s) concerned remain unpaid; and
(b) Interest shall accrue on a daily basis on such due amounts at the rate of the statutory interest rate as meant in article 6:119a Dutch Civil Code.
(c) In addition, Optimizers will be entitled to the payment of a lump sum indemnity for the recovery costs with a minimum amount of EUR 40 according to Decree Payment of Out-of-Court Debit Costs (Besluit vergoeding voor buitengerechtelijke incassokosten). All internal and external costs of Optimizers that relate to the collection of the amounts due by the Customer, including but not limited to the costs of lawyers and bailiffs actually incurred by Optimizers are at the Customer’s expense.
(d) In addition, Optimizers will be entitled to nullify applicable (payment) discounts agreed between Optimizers and Customer in the Optimizers Agreement.
5.1 The Parties acknowledge that the success of activities in the field of information and communication technology generally depends on proper and timely mutual cooperation. Optimizer’s timely fulfilment of its obligations under any Optimizers Agreement, is conditioned on the Customer cooperating fully in a timely manner and providing Optimizers with all data or information that Optimizers deems to be useful, necessary and desirable for such purpose.
5.2 If a Customer fails to deliver data, documents, hardware, software, materials or employees that Optimizers deems useful, necessary or desirable for the purpose of performing its obligations under any Optimizers Agreement, then Optimizers is not liable for any resulting damage, delays, errors or non-conformities and Optimizers shall be entitled to suspend the execution of such Optimizers Agreement in part or in full.
5.3 All delivery periods are determined by Optimizers to its best knowledge, on the basis of the information available at that time, and are observed as much as possible, but are not strict deadlines. Exceeding of the delivery period does not entitle the Customer to compensation for damages, repayment or discounts, or to terminate the Optimizers Agreement.
5.4 The Customer must inform Optimizers in writing within 2 weeks after the Optimizers Services are made available by Optimizers of any complaints in respect of an incorrect delivery or performance of an incorrect or faulty service by Optimizers. Such a notification does not suspend the Customer’s payment obligations.
5.5 The risk of loss, theft, embezzlement or damage of items, data (including: usernames, codes and passwords), documents, software or data files that are created, provided or used in the context of the performance of the Optimizers Agreement passes to the Customer when the Customer or an auxiliary person comes into actual possession of them.
6.1 The Customer shall own all rights, titles, and interest in and to all of the Customer Data and shall have sole responsibility for the legality, reliability, integrity, accuracy and quality of the Customer Data. The Customer guarantees that it and/or the applicable Authorized Users have all rights to any and all data that is generated or uploaded by the Authorized Users, and the Customer will indemnify Optimizers in full with respect to any third-party claim and liability in that respect.
6.2 In the light of the above, the Customer warrants that its use of the Software and Customer Data is in full compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons in regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as well as all applicable legislation protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and, in particular, their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data. Upon a Customer’s written request, Optimizers shall perform any and all reasonable efforts to assist the Customer with its compliance in consideration for a remuneration that will be charged against Optimizers standard tariffs that are then in place.
6.3 In the event of any loss or damage to Customer Data, the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be for Optimizers to use reasonable commercial endeavours to restore the lost or damaged Customer Data from the latest back-up of such Customer Data maintained by Optimizers. Optimizers shall not be responsible for any loss, destruction, alteration, or disclosure of Customer Data caused by any third party.
6.4 Optimizers cannot be held liable for Customer Data such as variable rates, fees and percentages that need to be input into the Software by Customer (including but not limited to VAT, BUMA, Vecta Garantiefonds, wages levies and social insurance percentages). The variable percentages already input by Optimizers in the Software are pro forma only, from which no rights can be derived.
7.1 Optimizers hereby agrees that the Optimizers Services will be performed substantially in accordance with the Software Specification.
7.2 If the Software does not conform to the foregoing undertaking, Optimizers will, at its expense, use all commercially reasonable efforts to correct any such non-conformance promptly, or provide the Customer with an alternative means of accomplishing the desired performance. If the non-conformity persists without relief for more than 30 days after Customer has provided written notice to Optimizers, then the Customer may terminate the affected Subscription Services, and Optimizers shall refund to Customer any prepaid fees covering the remainder of the term of the affected Subscription Services after the date of termination. This Section 7.2 sets forth the Customer’s sole and exclusive right to remedy (and Optimizers’ sole liability) in connection with Optimizers’ obligation to provide the Subscription Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Subscription Services are provided “as-is” and Optimizers does not warrant that the Customer’s use of the Software and the Optimizers Services will be uninterrupted or error-free.
7.3 Optimizers’ obligations in Section 7.1 shall not apply to any defect, issue or non-conformity caused by use of the Software contrary to Optimizers‘ instructions or any modifications or alterations to the Software made by any Person other than Optimizers.
7.4 Except for the warranties expressly stated in this Agreement, to the maximum extent allowed by law, Optimizers disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, oral or written, including warranties arising under statute, warranties of merchantability, accuracy, title, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranties arising from usage of trade, course of dealing or course of performance. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Optimizers specifically does not warrant that the Subscription Service, Software, Configuration Services, Consulting services, Maintenance, documentation, or Deliverables will meet the requirements of Customer or others or that they will be accurate or operate without interruption or error. Customer acknowledges that in entering this Agreement it has not relied on any promise, warranty, or representation not expressly set forth herein.
7.5 These Terms and Conditions shall not prevent Optimizers from entering into agreements with third -parties, or from independently developing, using, selling, or licensing materials, products, or services which are similar to those provided under any Optimizers Agreement.
The Customer and its Authorized Users shall:
(a) use the Software and the Optimizers Services in full compliance with these Terms and Conditions and any applicable Optimizers Agreement;
(b) provide Optimizers with:
(i) all necessary co-operation in relation to this Agreement; and
(ii) all necessary access to such information as may be required by Optimizers;
in order to render the Optimizers Services, including but not limited to Customer Data, security access information, and software interfaces to the Customer’s other business applications;
(c) provide such assistance, as may be reasonably requested by Optimizers from time to time;
(d) comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to its activities under any applicable Optimizers Agreements; and
(e) carry out all other Customer responsibilities set out in any applicable Optimizers Agreement or these Terms and Conditions (including in any of the Schedules) in a timely and efficient manner. In the event of any delays in the Customer’s provision of such assistance as agreed by the parties, Optimizers may adjust any timetable or delivery Schedule set out in any applicable Optimizers Agreement as reasonably necessary.
9.1 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Optimizers and/or its licensors own all intellectual property rights in the Software and the Optimizers Services. Except as expressly stated herein, these Terms and Conditions do not grant the Customer any rights to, or in, patents, copyrights, database rights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights or licences in respect of the Software, Optimizers Services or any related documentation.
9.2 The Customer may not fully or partially change, remove or render unrecognizable Optimizer’s trademark, design, and logo from the Software, Optimizers Services or any related documentation. The Customer may not use or register any trademark, design, logo or domain name of Optimizers or any corresponding name of sign in any jurisdiction worldwide.
10.1 Each Party may be given access to Confidential Information from the other Party in order to perform its obligations under the applicable Optimizers Agreements. A Party’s Confidential Information shall not include information that:
(a) is or becomes publicly known other than through any act or omission of the receiving party; or
(b) was in the other Party ’s lawful possession before the disclosure; or
(c) is lawfully disclosed to the receiving Party by a third-party without restriction on disclosure, and without breach of any agreement entered into with a Party; or
(d) is independently developed by the receiving Party, which independent development can be shown by written evidence; or
(e) is required to be disclosed by an order of any court of competent jurisdiction or any regulatory or administrative body.
10.2 Each Party shall hold the other’s Confidential Information in confidence and, unless required by law, not make the other’s Confidential Information available to any third-party, or use the other’s Confidential Information for any purpose other than for activities conducted pursuant to an Optimizers Agreement.
10.3 Each Party shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the other’s Confidential Information to which it has access is not disclosed or distributed by its employees or agents (including Authorized Users) in violation of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.
10.4 The Customer acknowledges that the Software, the results of any tests of the Software and the Optimizers Services constitute Optimizers‘ Confidential Information.
10.5 Optimizers acknowledges that the Customer Data is the Confidential Information of the Customer.
10.6 No Party shall make, or permit any person to make, any public announcement concerning any Optimizers Agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties (such consent is not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), except as required by law, any governmental or regulatory authority (including, but not limited to, any relevant securities exchange in which such Party’s stock is listed), any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction.
10.7 Clause 10 shall survive expiration or termination of these Terms and Conditions, however arising.
11.1 The Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Optimizers against claims, actions, proceedings, losses, damages, expenses, and costs (including without limitation court costs and reasonable legal fees) arising out of or in connection with the Customer’s use of the Software or Optimizers Services, including with respect to any data that is generated or uploaded through the Software, provided that:
(a) the Customer is given prompt notice of any such claim;
(b) Optimizers provides reasonable co-operation to the Customer in the defence and settlement of such claim, at the Customer’s expense; and
(c) the Customer is given sole authority to defend or settle the claim.
11.2 Optimizers shall defend the Customer, its officers, directors, and employees against any claim that the Software infringes any copyright, and shall indemnify the Customer for any amounts awarded against the Customer in judgment or settlement of such claims, provided that:
(a) Optimizers is given prompt notice of any such claim;
(b) the Customer provides reasonable co-operation to Optimizers in the defence and settlement of such claim, at Optimizers‘ expense; and
(c) Optimizers is given sole authority to defend or settle the claim.
11.3 Neither Party shall be responsible for any loss, destruction, alteration, or disclosure of Confidential Information caused by any third-party, unless such third-party received access to the Confidential Information as a result of a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
11.4 In the defence or settlement of a claim, Optimizers may obtain for the Customer the right to continue using the Software, replace or modify the Software so that it becomes non-infringing or, if such remedies are not reasonably available, terminate the applicable Optimizers Agreement without liability to the Customer. Optimizers shall have no liability if the alleged infringement is based on:
(a) a modification of the Software by anyone other than Optimizers; or
(b) the Customer’s use of the Software in a manner contrary to the instructions given to the Customer by Optimizers; or
(c) the Customer’s use of the Software after notice of the alleged or actual infringement from Optimizers or any appropriate authority.
11.5 The foregoing states the Customer’s sole and exclusive rights and remedies, and Optimizers‘ entire obligations and liability, for copyright infringement.
12.1 This Section 12 sets out the entire liability of Optimizers (including any liability for the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and sub-contractors) to the Customer:
(a) arising under or in connection with any Optimizers Agreement;
(b) in respect of any use made by the Customer of the Optimizers Services, the Software, the Deliverables or any part of them; and
(c) in respect of any representation, misrepresentation, guarantee, statement or tortious act or omission, arising under or in connection with an Optimizers Agreement.
12.2 Except as expressly and specifically provided in these Terms and Conditions:
(a) the Customer assumes sole responsibility for results obtained from the use of the Software and the Optimizers Services by the Customer, and for conclusions drawn from such use. Optimizers shall have not be held liable for any damages caused by errors or omissions in any information, instructions or scripts provided to Optimizers by the Customer in connection with the Optimizers Services, or any actions taken by Optimizers at the Customer’s direction;
(b) Optimizers shall not be held liable for any damages, costs, or expenses that arise as a result of, or are caused by any defect, malfunction, non-conformity or unavailability of software and/or ERP/API Connectors that are (wholly or partially) provided or created by third -parties, which hamper the use of the Software in any way;
(c) Optimizers shall not be held liable for any damages, costs, or expenses that arise as a result of, or are caused by any use of Terminals that are not in compliance with System Requirements or any release notes; and
(d) Optimizers Services and Software are provided to the Customer “as-is” and all warranties, representations, conditions, and all other terms of any kind whatsoever implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, disclaimed by Optimizers.
12.3 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude the liability of either Party for:
(a) damage resulting from intentional or wilful recklessness (in Dutch: opzet of bewuste roekeloosheid) of a Party or its managerial personnel; or
(b) mandatory liability arising under product liability laws of the Territory.
12.4 The Service Level Agreement state the Customer’s full and exclusive right and remedy, and Optimizers‘ only obligation and liability in respect of, the performance and/or availability of the Service, or their non-performance and non-availability.
12.5 Without prejudice to Section 12.3(b), Optimizers disclaims all liability for any:
(a) loss of revenue or profit;
(b) loss of goodwill;
(c) loss of business or business opportunity;
(d) loss or corruption of data or information;
(e) loss of anticipated saving;
(f) loss of use or other intangible losses;
(g) cost of procurement of substitute software or services; or
(h) special, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damage,
suffered by the Customer under or in connection with any Optimizers Agreement.
12.6 Without prejudice to Section 12.3(b), Optimizers‘ total liability arising under or in connection with any Optimizers Agreement, whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence) or restitution, or for breach of statutory duty or misrepresentation, or otherwise, shall be limited to the fees paid under such Optimizers Agreement in the prior 12 months.
13.1 Optimizers Agreements shall commence on the effective date of such agreement and shall continue for an indefinite period of time, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise. To the extent that Parties agreed to a fixed term, then at the end of the fixed term, the Parties agree that the term of the Optimizers Agreement will be automatically extended, for a duration equal to the prior term, unless either Party notifies the other Party of its intent not to renew the Optimizers Agreement 60 days prior to the then applicable expiration or termination date.
13.2 An Optimizers Agreement may be terminated by either Party by providing the other Party a 60 days’ prior written notice, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise in the Optimizers Agreement.
13.3 The Customer is not entitled to early termination of an Optimizers Agreement that has been entered into for a definite period of time.
13.4 Without affecting any other right or remedy available to it (including Optimizer’s right to seek full payment), either Party may terminate the applicable Optimizers Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other Party if:
(a) the other Party fails to pay any amount due under an Optimizers Agreement on the due date for payment, and remains in default for not less than 15 days after being notified in writing to make such payment;
(b) the other Party breaches any other term of an Optimizers Agreement that justifies the termination of the agreement, and its consequences („material breach“) which breach is then irremediable or (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within a reasonable period of time at least fifteen 15 days after notified in writing;
(c) the other Party suspends, or threatens to suspend, payment of its debts or is unable to pay its debts as they fall due, or admits inability to pay its debts or is deemed unable to pay its debts within the meaning of the Dutch Insolvency Act;
(d) a petition is filed, a notice is given, a resolution is passed, or an order is made, for or in connection with the winding up of that other Party;
(e) an application is made to the court, or an order is made, for the appointment of an administrator, or if a notice of intention to appoint an administrator is given, or if an administrator is appointed, over the other Party (being a company);
(f) the other Party suspends or ceases, or threatens to suspend or cease, carrying on all or a substantial part of its business.
13.5 On termination of an Optimizers Agreement for any reason:
(a) all rights and licences granted under such Optimizers Agreement shall immediately terminate;
(b) each Party shall return and make no further use of any equipment, property, materials, and other items (and all copies of them) belonging to the other Party;
(c) Optimizers may destroy or otherwise dispose of any of the Customer Data in its possession unless Optimizers receives, no later than 10 days after the effective date of the termination of the applicable Optimizers Agreement, a written request for the delivery to the Customer of the then most recent back-up of the Customer Data. Optimizers shall use reasonable commercial endeavours to deliver the back-up to the Customer within 30 days of its receipt of such a written request, provided that the Customer has, at that time, paid all fees and charges outstanding at and resulting from termination (whether or not due at the date of termination). The Customer shall pay all reasonable expenses incurred by Optimizers in returning or disposing of Customer Data; and
(d) any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities of the parties that have accrued up to the date of termination, including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of an Optimizers Agreement which existed at or before the date of termination shall not be affected or prejudiced; and
(e) no obligation of either Party will come into existence to re-perform (undo) any and all obligations that have already been performed by either Party before the termination of the Agreement (in Dutch: ongedaanmakingsverplichting), as meant in article 6:271 Dutch Civil Code.
14.1 If either Party is affected by force majeure as meant in article 6:75 Dutch Civil Code, it shall immediately notify the other Party of the matters constituting the force majeure, and shall keep that Party fully informed of the continuance of the force majeure, and of any relevant change of circumstances whilst such force majeure continues.
14.2 Optimizers may invoke force majeure in case of any breach of an obligation that cannot be attributed to Optimizers and in any case include: accidents, riots, war, terrorist act, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, civil commotion, breakdown of communication facilities, breakdown of web host, breakdown of internet service provider, any failure of Optimizer’s suppliers, any failure of an API provided by third party, natural catastrophes, governmental acts or omissions, changes in laws or regulations, national strikes, fire, explosion, generalized lack of availability of raw materials or energy.
14.3 If the force majeure continues for longer than sixty (60) days, either Party may at any time while such force majeure continues immediately terminate this Agreement by notice.
15.1 The applicable Optimizers Agreement, together with any documents referred to in it, and these Terms and Conditions will constitute the complete agreement between the Parties relating to its subject matter and will supersede and extinguish any prior drafts, agreements, undertakings, representations, warranties, and arrangements of any nature, whether in writing or oral, relating to such subject matter. General terms and conditions of Customer are expressly excluded. Such general terms and conditions do not apply and are not incorporated into the Optimizers Agreement, even if subsequent documentation should make reference to any such general terms and conditions. No variation of an Optimizers Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Parties (or their authorized representatives).
16.1 The Customer shall not, without the prior written consent of Optimizers, assign, transfer, or sub-contract all or any of its rights or obligations under any Optimizers Agreement. Any assignment and or transfer in violation of the foregoing will be void and have no effect (and this provision will have property law effect (goederenrechtelijk effect)).
16.2 Optimizers may at any time assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under an Optimizers Agreement. Customer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally provides in advance (bij voorbaat) its cooperation and/or consent to such assignment, novation and/or transfer. In the event that any (legal) formality or other action is required to effectuate such assignment or transfer, Optimizers may perform such in the name and on behalf of Customer.
17.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Netherlands with exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Products (CISG) (Weens Koopverdrag) regardless of the conflict of law principles.
17.2 Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement, tort, or otherwise shall be exclusively adjudicated by the competent court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The costs relating to legal proceedings including but not limited to the actual costs Optimizers incurs for lawyers, bailiffs and translators, will be payable in full by the Customer if the Customer in the party that is completely or mostly unsuccessful in those proceedings.
The provisions included in this part B apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Configuration Services as concluded between the Parties.
18.1 Optimizers shall perform the Configuration Services in accordance with the timetable set out in the Optimizers Agreement and Project Plan. Optimizers shall use commercially reasonable efforts to meet the performance dates, but any such dates shall be estimates only, and time shall not be of the essence in such Optimizers Agreement.
18.2 On delivery of each Deliverable, the Customer shall be able to access the Deliverable online. Within 2 weeks of Optimizers‘ delivery to the Customer of any Deliverable, the Customer shall review the Deliverable to confirm that it functions in material conformance with the applicable portion of the Software Specification. If the Deliverable fails in any material respect to conform to the applicable portion of the Software Specification, the Customer shall give Optimizers a detailed description of any such non-conformance („Error“), in writing, within the 2 weeks review period.
18.3 With respect to any Errors contained in any Deliverables delivered to the Customer during the Configuration Services, Optimizers shall use commercially reasonable efforts to correct any such Error within a reasonable time and, on completion, submit the corrected Deliverable to the Customer. The provisions of this Section 18.3 shall then apply again, up to three additional times. If Optimizers is unable to correct such Error after three attempts, either Party may terminate the Optimizers Agreement, without further liability, upon prior written notice to the other Party.
18.4 If the Customer does not provide any written comments in the 2 week period described above, or if the Deliverable is found to conform to the Software Specification, the Deliverable shall be deemed Accepted.
18.5 „Acceptance“ as used in the Agreement shall mean that the Customer waives any claims in relation to the Services that are based on any non-conformity, fault, or defects.
The provisions included in this part C apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Consultancy Services as concluded between the Parties.
19.1 Where agreed in an Optimizers Agreement, Optimizers will perform the Consultancy Services to the best of its ability, where relevant in accordance with the arrangements and procedures determined with the Customer in writing. Optimizers shall make every effort to ensure that the Consultancy Services that are provided under the Optimizers Agreement are provided with due care and in accordance with the arrangements and procedures agreed in writing with Customer where applicable. Optimizers is not subject to an obligation to produce a certain result.
19.2 Optimizers will send the Customer an order confirmation and add a schedule for the performance of the Consultancy Services. After receipt of the order confirmation signed for approval by the Customer, Optimizers will draw up a Project Plan in consultation with the Customer if this has been agreed in the order confirmation. Optimizers will start the actual performance of the Consultancy Services, exclusively in accordance with the Project Plan.
19.3 If Optimizers is providing services on the basis of information to be provided by Customer, this information shall be prepared by Customer in accordance with the conditions to be imposed by Optimizers and provided at the risk and expense of Customer. Customer shall at all times guarantee that all materials, information, software, procedures and instructions that it makes available to Optimizers for the purpose of providing the services is accurate and complete and that all data media issued to Optimizers meet Optimizers‘ specifications. The use made by Customer of services or advice issued by Optimizers shall in all cases be at Customer’s risk and expense.
19.4 Consultancy Services will be performed in stages, as such, Optimizers is entitled to postpone the commencement of the services that form part of a next stage until the Customer has approved the results of the preceding stage in writing.
19.5 In the provision of the Consultancy Services, Optimizers is entitled to use or instruct, in its sole discretion, any Person, who will work as a subcontractor of Optimizers under the management and supervision of Optimizers. Optimizers is entitled to replace such subcontractor, at its sole discretion, and without any need for notice to or consent from Customer. If the Customer has entered into the Optimizers Agreement with a view to performance by a certain Person, Optimizers will always be authorised to replace that Person with one or more other Persons, at its sole discretion
19.6 Consultancy Services will be performed on Business Days during Normal Business Hours. Depending on the activities, the Consultancy Services can be performed remotely or at the Customer’s business location, at Optimizer’s sole discretion.
19.7 Up to 5 Business Days before the agreed start date of the Consultancy Services, the Customer can cancel the purchase of the Consultancy Services or request Optimizers to determine a new start date which new start date will not be before the original start date. If the Customer does not provide such 5 Business Days’ prior notice, Optimizers is entitled to charge the Customer for the Consultancy Services that the Customer agreed to purchase in accordance with the applicable Optimizers Agreement, and for any costs incurred by Optimizers in connection with the Consultancy Services.
19.8 All Consultancy Services prices and rates are exclusive of VAT and exclusive of travel, accommodation and hotel expenses. Consulting Services on site are invoiced for at least 4 hours per visit per consultant. On Business Days after 6 P.M., the hourly rates are increased up to 150% of the normal rate and up to 200% during the weekend.
The provisions included in this part D apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Subscription Services as concluded between the Parties.
20.1 In these terms and conditions, “subscription” means Optimizer’s provision of a right to use the Software as further described to in Section 20.5 of these Terms and Conditions, and/or Service Level Agreement as referred to in Schedule 2.
20.2 Optimizers shall perform the Subscription Services on the Optimizers Cloud Platform. The Service Level Agreements shall apply effective from the start of the month after the Configuration Services have been completed.
20.3 The Customer owes Optimizers a monthly subscription fee for each part of the Software for which a right of use is granted pursuant to the Optimizers Agreement as well as for the Service Level Agreement.
20.4 To the extent that Customer wishes to extend the right of use to additional users that exceed the agreed-upon number of Authorized Users, the Customer shall promptly inform Optimizers. Optimizers will charge the subscription fee for the use of the Software by the Authorized Users, as well as any additional users requested by the Customer.
20.5 In relation to Authorized Users:
(a) the Customer’s access to the Subscription Services shall be limited to the number of “mac addresses” that can be used by individual Authorized Users, employees or independent contractors of the Customer, as shown in the order („Seats“);
(b) the Customer shall maintain a written list of current Authorized Users of the Software, and the Customer shall provide such list to Optimizers as may be reasonably requested by Optimizers from time to time;
(c) the Customer shall ensure that each Authorized User keeps a secure password for his or her use of the Software, that such password is changed no less frequently than monthly and that each Authorized User keeps his or her password confidential;
(d) Optimizers may audit the use of the Software regarding the name and mac address(es) for each Authorized User. Such audit may be conducted no more than once per quarter, at Optimizers‘ expense, and shall be exercised with reasonable prior notice, in a manner so as to not substantially interfere with Customer’s normal conduct of business; and
(e) if such audit reveals that the number of actual users exceeds the number of Seats which were purchased as per Article 20.5(a), and without prejudice to Optimizers‘ other rights, the Customer shall pay any and all license fees for the excess actual users.
20.6 In relation to the Software:
(a) Optimizers hereby grant the Customer on and subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Optimizers Agreement a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to allow Authorized Users to access the Optimizers Cloud Platform through the Subscription Services and to use the Optimizers Cloud Platform solely for the Customer’s business purposes;
(b) Optimizers hereby grant the Customer on and subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Optimizers Agreement a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to allow Authorized Users to download, install and run the Apps and/or Web Applications that have been ordered for supported Terminals that Customer owns or controls solely for the Customer’s business purposes. The Optimizer Apps and Web Applications may not be available for all devices;
(c) the Customer shall not store, distribute or transmit any Virus, or any material through the Subscription Services that is (i) unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, harassing or racially or ethnically offensive; (ii) facilitates illegal activity; (iii) depicts sexually explicit images; (iv) promotes unlawful violence; or (v) promotes discrimination based on race, gender, colour, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability or any other illegal activities;
(d) the rights provided under this Section 20.6 are granted to the Customer only, and shall not be considered granted to any subsidiary, affiliate or holding company of the Customer;
(e) the Customer shall not:
(i) use the Software in excess of contractual limitations on usage or in a manner that circumvents the limitations on usage or the technological measures to control access;
(ii) license, sub-license, sell, re-sell, rent, lease, transfer, distribute or timeshare or otherwise make any of the Software available for access by third -parties except as otherwise expressly provided in the applicable Optimizers Agreement;
(iii) attempt to copy, duplicate, modify, create derivative works from or distribute all or any portion of the Software except to the extent expressly set out in the applicable Optimizers Agreement or as may be allowed by any applicable law which is incapable of exclusion by agreement between the Parties; or
(iv) attempt to reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise reduce to human-perceivable form all or any part of the Software, except as may be allowed by any applicable mandatory law which is incapable of exclusion by agreement between the Parties; or
(v) access all or any part of the Software or Subscription Services in order to build a product or service which competes with the Software and/or the Services
(vi) use the Software or Subscription Services to provide services to third -parties; or
(vii) subject to Section 16.1, transfer, temporarily or permanently, any of its rights under the Optimizers Agreement, or
(viii) attempt to obtain, or assist third parties in obtaining, access to the Software, other than as provided under this Section 20.6(e); and
(ix) to the extent not covered by the foregoing, attempt to circumvent or breach the security of the Software including the performance of any penetration tests at Customer’s initiative except with Optimizers’ prior written approval.
(f) the Customer shall use reasonable endeavours to prevent any unauthorized access to, or use of, the Software and notify Optimizers promptly of any such unauthorized access or use.
20.7 Optimizers does not commit and/or warrant that the Customer’s use of the Software and the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free, and disclaims responsibility and liability in that respect. Where determined to be needed in Optimizers sole discretion, Optimizers shall perform maintenance to the Software in accordance with the parameters set out in Schedule 2, during which the Software may be completely inaccessible or in a degraded state of performance.
21.1 Scheduled maintenance of any (hosting) equipment, facility, Software or other aspects of the Subscription Services that may require interruption of the Subscription Services („Maintenance Events“) shall not be performed during Normal Business Hours. Optimizers may interrupt the Services to perform emergency maintenance. In addition, Optimizers may interrupt the Subscription Services outside Normal Business Hours for unscheduled maintenance, provided that it has given the Customer at least two days‘ advance notice. Any Maintenance Events which occur during Normal Business Hours, and which were notified to or caused by the Customer, shall not be considered downtime for the purpose of service availability measurement. Optimizers shall at all times use commercially reasonable efforts to keep any service interruptions to a minimum.
22.1 Maintenance includes all regularly scheduled error corrections, software updates and those upgrades limited to improvements to features described in the Software Specification. Optimizers shall in its sole discretion decide in what manner and frequency maintenance of the Software is performed. Support for additional features developed by Optimizers, as requested by the Customer, may be purchased separately at Optimizers‘ then -current rates.
22.2 The Customer shall promptly apply any application upgrade that Optimizers determines is necessary to maintain the security, performance, or availability of the Subscription Service.
22.3 Should the Customer determine that the Software includes a defect, the Customer may at any time file error reports. During maintenance periods, Optimizers may, at its sole discretion, choose to upgrade versions, install error corrections, and apply patches to the hosted systems. Optimizers shall use all reasonable endeavours to avoid unscheduled downtime for Software maintenance.
22.4 Optimizers may charge the Customer for the costs of repair in case of errors caused by the Customer and/or its Authorized Users. Maintenance does not include activities relating to and/or caused by inexpert use, negligence, lack of alertness, intent, changes of a user nature, changes in the equipment, or changes in the Software that have not been applied by Optimizers.
23.1 “Support” means the right to support in respect of the use and the functioning of the Software where the Customer or one of its employees can ask questions via the customer portal and where Optimizers can also offer support by phone or email.
23.2 Support can only be requested by the Customer and its employees.
23.3 If the Customer or one of its employees requests Support, the computer system on which the Software is installed must by in the immediate vicinity of the Customer or that employee and be continually available to the Customer or that employee.
23.4 If Optimizers in its sole discretion establishes that the Customer was not entitled to the Support or if it turns out that Optimizer’s efforts do not fall under the scope of Support and/or would qualify as Consultancy Services, Optimizers can charge the Customer for the cost of the Support offered to the Customer at the standard prices applicable at that time and the Customer shall pay Optimizers such fees accordingly.
23.5 Any Support provided will be subject to these Terms and Conditions and the terms of any applicable Optimizers Agreements.
The provisions included in this part E apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Private Cloud Services as concluded between the Parties.
24.1 These terms and conditions apply in addition to the conditions for Subscription Services concluded between the Customer and Optimizers.
24.2 Optimizers grants the Customer the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Private Cloud Services during the term of the Optimizers Agreement. Customer’s use of the Private Cloud Services is exclusively for the Customer’s internal business operations and is limited to the type of Private Cloud Software and the number of Authorized Users that the Customer has contractually laid down in the Optimizers Agreement.
24.3 The Customer is expressly not allowed to use the Private Cloud Service for, or have it used by, other types of Software than the Services that Optimizers made available to the Customer.
24.4 The Customer is not allowed to use the Private Cloud Services for the benefit of third -parties, or for commercial use of timeshare.
24.5 Optimizers has the right to adjust the Private Cloud Services at its sole discretion. Optimizers will provide reasonable notice to the Customer of any adjustments insofar as these are relevant to the use of the Private Cloud Services, at Optimizer’s sole discretion.
24.6 The Customer owes Optimizers a hosting fee pursuant to the Optimizers Agreement. The fee is due on a monthly basis in advance and is based on i) the type of Private Cloud Software and ii) any additional services that Optimizers provides to the Customer pursuant to the Optimizers Agreement.
24.7 The Customer shall only access the Private Cloud Software via the login procedure using login details that Optimizers has provided to the Authorized Users. These details are personal to the individual Authorized User and cannot be transferred to another Person, inside or outside the Customer’s organization.
24.8 The Customer shall only access the Private Cloud Services and use these in accordance with the provisions as described in these terms and conditions and the applicable laws and regulations.
24.9 The Customer is not allowed to i) use or attempt to use the Private Cloud Services for any illegal or unlawful purposes and/or to publish or otherwise distributing materials that are offensive, deformity or in conflict with intellectual property rights of third -parties, ii) use or attempt to use the Private Cloud Services in a manner that disrupts, limits or interferes with the delivery of the Optimizers Services, iii) gain access or attempt to gain access to any part of the Private Cloud Services which the Customer is not authorised to access, iv) use any form of automated integration other than automated integration via the API’s, or v) reverse engineer, decompile, copy, distribute, disseminate, sublicense, modify, translate, scan, adjust or in any other way modify and/or reproduce Software that forms part of the Private Cloud Services.
24.10 If the Customer discovers at any time that it can enter Optimizer’s network layers, it must report this immediately to Optimizers.
24.11 If Optimizers believes the undisturbed operation of its infrastructure and/or the provision of services to its Customers is at risk for reasons including but not limited to Virus infections, denial of service attacks, port scans, hacking, spam from or on behalf of the Customer or otherwise, it may issue instructions that must be immediately followed by the Customer and Optimizers may suspend all of part of its Optimizers Services for as long as the relevant risks exists, at its sole discretion.
24.12 Optimizers will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Private Cloud Services are available for use by the Customer, as specified in the Service Level Agreement.
24.13 Optimizers may amend the Service Level Agreement at its sole discretion. The Customer will receive reasonable prior notice of any amendments of the Service Level Agreement. Optimizers may, with prior notice, permanently or temporarily block or disable access to the Private Cloud Services or restrict their use to the extent this is reasonably necessary from time to time: i) to perform preventive or regular maintenance or upgrades in respect of the Private Cloud Services, ii) perform Maintenance, ii) if an actual or suspected security breach occurs, and/or iv) another emergency occurs, all with the Customer being entitled to seek, reasonable compensation from Optimizers.
24.14 The Customer will always remain the proprietor of the Customer Data and is solely responsible for the content and accuracy of the Customer Data.
24.15 Optimizers cannot guarantee that no loss of data will occur.
The provisions included in this part F apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Customized Software as concluded between the Parties.
25.1 Unless stipulated otherwise in this part F, the special provisions of part E of these terms and conditions apply mutatis mutandis to the Customized Software, in so far as this is relevant.
25.2 Customer agrees that all intellectual property rights in the Customized Software and the relevant documentation will be the sole and exclusive property of Optimizers. Optimizers grants the Customer the non-exclusive right and the non-exclusive license to use the Customized Software in accordance with the provisions of the Optimizers Agreement. Customer may only use the Customized Software in the compilation and for the license for which the Customized Software has been developed by Optimizers in accordance with the Optimizers Agreement.
25.3 For the Customized Software to be developed for the Customer, Optimizers will draw up the Software Specifications in detail and in writing and make these known to the Customer. The agreements in respect to the Customized Software are laid down in the Optimizers Agreement. Optimizers will develop the Customized Software to the best of its ability on the basis of the Software Specifications.
25.4 If it has been agreed that the Customized Software will be developed in stages, Optimizers can postpone the commencement of the work that forms part of the next stage until the Customer has approved the results of the preceding stage in writing and Optimizers has received the fee for the work in this preceding stage.
25.5 The Customer shall test the Customized Software for 14 days after delivery.
25.6 The Customer is deemed to have accepted the Customized Software if Optimizers has not received a written response from the Customer within 14 days after delivery of the Customized Software which shows in detail that the Customized Software does not meet the Software Specifications and also fails to function substantially in accordance with the accompanying documentation.
25.7 Acceptance of the Customized Software cannot be withheld due to the existence of small errors. “Small errors” being errors that do not reasonably prevent operational and productive use of the Customized Software, without prejudice to Optimizer’s obligation to remedy these small errors. Acceptance also cannot be withheld due to aspects of the Customized Software that can only be assessed subjectively, such as aesthetic aspects and aspects regarding the design of user interfaces.
Schedule 1: Software and Terminals
The Software consists of the following components:
1.1 The Optimizers Cloud Platform is the software platform as developed by Optimizers, through which a Customer can download, install and run Apps and Web Applications.
1.2 This platform includes the following apps and webservices and corresponding functionalities:
- App4Sales: An App to register and complete sales orders by Authorised Users (i.e. sales representatives).
- App4Customers: An App to register and complete sales orders by end users (not boing Authorized Users)
- Core-portal: A Web application allowing Customers to configure a Business-to-Business (B2B) sales portal connected to the Customer’s ERP system.
- Core-portal pro: in addition to the Core-portal offering Customers more functionality within the B2B sales portal as descripted in the product specification.
- PIM: a software component helping Customers to manage product information which is visible within Core-portal(pro), App4Sales and App4Customers.
- App4Picking: An App to process primary logistic transactions (i.e. order picking, counts and displacements) through a tablet.
- App2Track: An App to navigate the route on a mobile device or tablet and to track and trace deliveries in real time.
- Tweakwise: a SAAS software component to optimize and manage Webshop functionalities including site search, product sorting and filtering, categorizing, recommendations and personalizing.
- Warpspeed: An App to organize and handle logistic transactions within a flexible standard software solution.
2.1 Warpspeed WMS (on premise): a warehouse management system to organize and handle logistic transactions within a flexible standard software solution.
2.2 Netivity Core: a cloud based digital e-commerce platform, build on a headless architecture and progressive web app front-end. Netivity Core is a standardized core which can be extended with client-specific besproke features.
2.3 EDI Gateway: The EDI Gateway is a flexible solution for electronic data interchange (EDI).
3.1 The Customer is responsible to ensure that the Terminals as used by the Customer and/or Authorized Users will at a minimum comply with the specifications and/or requirements as published in the release notes and /or Project Plan(s). System Requirements will be part of the Optimizers Agreement.
Schedule 2: Service Level Agreement
Optimizers shall provide at least a 99.5% uptime service availability level („Uptime Service Level“) during Normal Business Hours. This availability refers to an access point on Optimizers hosting provider’s backbone network. It does not apply to the portion of the circuit that does not transit the hosting provider’s backbone network, as the Customer is responsible for its own internet access and/or connectivity from / to the ERP system. Availability does not include Maintenance Events as described in the Terms and Conditions, Customer-caused or third Party -caused outages or disruptions (except to the extent that such outages or disruptions are caused by those duly authorized third parties sub-contracted by Optimizers to perform the Services), or outages or disruptions attributable in whole or in part to force majeure events. Service availability could be consulted on the product specific statuspages.
2.1 If availability falls below the Uptime Service Level (as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 2) in a given calendar month, Optimizers shall credit the Customer’s account by an amount calculated as the product of the total cumulative downtime (expressed as a percentage of the total possible uptime minutes in the month concerned), and the total Monthly Subscription Fee and Monthly Software Licence Fee owed for that month („Service Credit“) as a sole and exclusive remedy.
2.2 A Service Credit shall not be payable unless the Customer requests it within 40 Business Days of the service-affecting event(s). The maximum Service Credit allowable in a given month is limited to an amount equal to the Subscription Fee owed by the Customer for that month.
3.1 Support can only be requested by the Customer and its employees via the customer portal (via the SAAS software platform or product specific support emailadresses). The productspecific support process is described within the Optimizers Agreement.
These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) govern the purchase of Services (as defined below) by a Customer (as defined below) from an Optimizers Group Entity (INCLUDING THE LEGAL ENTITY APP4SALES INC.). Optimizers Group B.V. is a company with limited liability, incorporated and registered in the Netherlands with company number 75348217 whose registered office is at Ampèrestraat 3 d, in (3861NC) Nijkerk, the Netherlands.
The definitions and rules of interpretation in this Section apply to these Terms and Conditions.
1.1 Definitions:
„Apps“: software applications that offer distinct functionality (including, but not limited to, App4Sales, App4Customers, Core-portal, Core-portalpro, App4Picking, Core-portalPIM, App2Track, Tweakwise) as selected in Schedule 1.
„Authorized Users„: those employees and independent contractors of the Customer who are entitled to install the Apps and Web Applications via the Optimizers Cloud Platform through the Subscription Services under an Optimizers Agreement, as further described in Section 20.5(b).
„Business Day„: generally accepted working day in the country from which Optimizers maintenance and support services are provided, with the exception of official public holidays.
„Confidential Information„: information that is proprietary or confidential for a Party and is either clearly labelled as such or identified as Confidential Information in Section 10.4 or Section 10.5.
„Configuration Services„: the configuration and related work, to be performed by Optimizers for the initial set-up, and to configure the Optimizers Cloud Platform so that the Optimizers Cloud Platform conforms to the Software Specification.
„Consultancy Services„: the provision of advice that can relate to, among other things, the implementation, installation, setting up, or training on the use of, the Software.
„Customer„: means a Person that enters into an Optimizers agreement with Optimizers or is negotiating an Optimizers Agreement with Optimizers.
„Customer Data„: the data that was entered into the information fields of the Software or into the database to which the Software is connected by the Customer, by the Authorized Users, API Connectors, or by Optimizers on the Customer’s behalf.
„Customer Personal Data“: as defined in Section 6.3.
„Customized Software„: the software and/or components developed in accordance with the Software Specifications by Optimizers on the instructions of the Customer that are not part of the Optimizer’s standard software (i.e. Optimizers Cloud Platform).
„Deliverable„: a defined level of functionality within a particular phase of the Configuration Services, to be elaborated and more particularly described in the Project Plan.
„API Connectors„: any connectors that connect the Optimizers Cloud Platform and the Customer’s ERP system and that are specially created for the Customer.
„Errors“: as defined in Section 18.2.
„Force Majeure“: as defined in Section 14.1.
„Licensing Services„: the services provided by Optimizers that allow Authorized Users to access and use the Software via (on-premise or private cloud) servers.
„Maintenance„: any error corrections, updates and upgrades that Optimizers may provide or perform with respect to the Software and Subscription Services, as well as any other support services provided to the Customer under these Terms and Conditions or other Optimizers Agreements, all as described in Sections 21 – 23.
„Maintenance Events„: as defined in Section 21.1.
„Normal Business Hours„: 08:30 to 17:00 Central European Time (CET), during each Business Day.
„Optimizers“: the relevant Optimizers Group Entity that agrees to provide the Optimizers Service(s) to Customer as documented in the Optimizers Agreement.
„Optimizers Agreement“: Any agreement concluded between the Parties in respect of one or more Optimizers Services, including any amendment of such agreement, all factual and legal acts to prepare such agreement, offers and order confirmations and these Terms and Conditions.
„Optimizers Cloud Platform“: the software platform as developed by Optimizers, through which a Customer can download, install and run Apps and Web Applications as further defined in Schedule 1.
„Optimizers Group Entity„: Either Optimizers Group B.V. or one of its subsidiaries. A “subsidiary” is an entity that meets the definition provided in Section 2:24a of the Dutch Civil Code, or is a legal entity for which Optimizers Group B.V. has (i) more than 50% of either the share capital or the voting rights, and (ii) the ability to direct its management and affairs.
„Optimizers Services“ or “Services”: The Configuration Services, Consultancy Services, Subscription Services, Licensing Services, Private Cloud Services and or Maintenance when applicable, and all as defined in these Terms and Conditions and further described in the Optimizers Agreement and/or Project Plan.
„Party/Parties„: Optimizers and the Customer.
„Person„: means a natural person or legal entity or company with legal personality.
„Privacy Policy„: the privacy policy of Optimizers, made separately available on Optimizers’ website, which applies to Optimizers’ processing of the Customer Personal Data and is in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
„Private Cloud Services„: those services as described in the Optimizers Agreement and/or Project Plan.
„Private Cloud Software„: the software as described in the Optimizers Agreement and/or Project Plan.
„Project Plan„: the plan to be developed in the planning stage of the Configuration Services and/or Consultancy Services.
“Seats”: as defined in Section 20.5.
„Service Level Agreement„: the service level agreement set out in Schedule 2.
„Software„: Optimizers‘ proprietary software in machine-readable object code form only, consisting of the Optimizers Cloud Platform, API Connectors, Web Applications and Apps, including any error corrections, updates, upgrades, modifications and enhancements to it provided to the Customer under an Optimizers Agreement.
„Software Specification„: the functionality and performance specifications for the Software, as set out in the release notes that are published on the Optimizers Cloud Platform and Customized Software.
„Subscription Services„: the services provided by Optimizers that allow Authorized Users to access and use the Optimizers Cloud Platform.
„Support“:as defined in Section 23.1.
„System Requirements„: the minimum requirements that Optimizers sets for the Customer’s hardware and software to be able to run the Optimizers Services.
„Terminal“: any computer device on which the Apps are installed and/or which runs the Web Applications, that at a minimum complies with the System Requirements and any other specifications and/or requirements, that have been specified in the release notes that are published on the Optimizers Cloud Platform.
“Terms and Conditions”: as defined in the Recitals above.
„Update“: a version of the Software in which an adjustment or an improvement is made.
„Virus„: any thing or device (including any software, code, file or program) which may: prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect the operation of any computer software, hardware or network, any telecommunications service, equipment or network or any other service or device; prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect access to or the operation of any program or data, including the reliability of any program or data (whether by re-arranging, altering or erasing the program or data in whole or part or otherwise); or adversely affect the user experience, including worms, Trojan horses, viruses and other similar things or devices.
„Web Application“: software applications that offer distinct functionality, and may be accessible via the internet by a web browser.
The General Provisions apply to every use, maintenance and support of all Software and all Services provided by Optimizers. The special provisions as included in Part B, C, D, E and F specifically apply to the purchase of specific products or instruction by Customer regarding the specific service to be provided by Optimizers.
2.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to every Optimizers Agreement.
2.2 Optimizers expressly rejects the applicability of the Customer’s purchasing or general terms and conditions to any Optimizers Agreement.
2.3 Optimizers is solely responsible and liable for the correct and timely performance of its obligations under the applicable Optimizers Agreement. No other Optimizer Group Entity is responsible for or liable to the Customer under such Optimizers Agreement.
2.4 Optimizers is entitled to revise these Terms and Conditions from time to time with prior written notice to the Customer. The amendments to the Terms and Conditions will be effective on the date mentioned in the notice provided by Optimizers to the Customer. If the Customer does not agree to the revised Terms and Conditions, the Customer may terminate the applicable Optimizers Agreement by providing at least 30 days‘ prior written notice.
2.5 Terms, documents or other communications between the Parties that deviate from these Terms and Conditions will be binding only if they have been agreed in writing by both Parties and will apply only to the case in question.
2.6 Section, Schedule and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions. A reference to writing or written includes e-mail communication.
2.7 If there is a conflict between the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the provisions in another Optimizers Agreement, the provisions in the other Optimizers Agreement will control. If there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions in the main body of these Terms and Conditions and the Schedules, the provisions in the main body of the Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
3.1 All offers or quotations by Optimizers regarding the Optimizers Services are non-binding and revocable
3.2 The Customer can place an order for Optimizers Services in the manner indicated by Optimizers. Each order is subject to Optimizers’ acceptance and Optimizers may accept or refuse an order at its sole discretion.
4.1 All prices and rates applied by Optimizers are exclusive of any taxes, tariffs, levies and surcharges of any nature imposed now or in the future by any governmental authority.
4.2 Payments by the Customer must be made without deferment, set-off, or deduction within 14 days of the invoice date.
4.3 The Customer owes Optimizers the fees for the Optimizers Services, irrespective of whether the Customer actually uses them or not.
4.4 Optimizers is authorised to increase the amount of the fees, at its sole discretion, within 30 days of the start of any calendar year on the basis of the percentage change, over the prior year, in the Consumer Price Index published by the Bureau of Legal Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor. This adjustment will be communicated to the Customer by email or other written communication.
4.5 Separate from price index-based increase as per Section 4.4, Optimizers can additionally increase the fees, at its sole discretion, by providing Customer with a minimum of 60 days’ prior notice. In the event that the Customer does not accept such fee increase, the Customer may terminate the applicable Optimizers Agreement as of the date on which the fee increase would take effect by providing at least 30 days‘ prior written notice.
4.6 Optimizers may, at its sole discretion, allow the Customer to pay the fees in installments. Upon expiry or termination of the Optimizers Agreement, Optimizers may immediately claim any outstanding amounts not yet paid by the Customer in accordance with such agreement, along with any accrued and unpaid interest.
4.7 Optimizers may, at its sole discretion, offer Customer various payment methods. To the extent Optimizers offers a specific payments method to the Customer and the Customer accepts it, the Customer agrees that additional conditions may be imposed by Optimizers or third parties related to that payment method.
4.8 If the Customer and Optimizers have agreed that payment will be perfomed via direct debit collection, the Customer will provide Optimizers with the correct authorization to make electronic debit transactions through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system and will execute any documents requested by Optimizers for this purpose. To the extent a direct debit transaction is not possible, the invoiced amount must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date.
4.9 If Optimizers has not received payment within five days after the due date, and without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of Optimizers:
(a) Optimizers may suspend provision of any or all of the Optimizers Services while the invoice(s) concerned remain unpaid;
(b) Interest shall accrue on a daily basis on such due amounts at a rate that is the lower of (i) 1.5% per month (18% per annum), or (ii) highest lawful interest rate permitted under applicable law; and
(c) Optimizers will be entitled to collect from the Customer the higher of (i) all internal and external collection costs , including but not limited to the any legal, collection agency or court costs, incurred by Optimizers, or (ii) an administrative fee in the amount of USD $50, for each instance of late payment.
(d) In addition, Optimizers will be entitled to nullify applicable (payment) discounts agreed between Optimizers and Customer in the Optimizers Agreement.
5.1 The Parties acknowledge that the success of activities in the field of information and communication technology generally depends on proper and timely mutual cooperation. Optimizer’s timely fulfilment of its obligations under any Optimizers Agreement, is conditioned on the Customer cooperating fully in a timely manner and providing Optimizers with all data or information that Optimizers deems to be useful, necessary and desirable for such purpose.
5.2 If a Customer fails to deliver data, documents, hardware, software, materials or employees that Optimizers deems useful, necessary or desirable for the purpose of performing its obligations under any Optimizers Agreement, then Optimizers is not liable for any resulting damage, delays, errors or non-conformities and Optimizers shall be entitled to suspend the execution of such Optimizers Agreement in part or in full.
5.3 All delivery periods are determined by Optimizers to its best knowledge, on the basis of the information available at that time, and are observed as much as possible, but are not strict deadlines. Exceeding the delivery period does not entitle the Customer to compensation for damages, repayment or discounts, or terminate the Optimizers Agreement.
5.4 The Customer must inform Optimizers in writing within 2 weeks after the Optimizers Services are made available by Optimizers of any complaints in respect of an incorrect delivery or performance of an incorrect or faulty service by Optimizers. Such a notification does not suspend the Customer’s payment obligations.
5.5 Except as otherwise provided herein, Optimizers is not responsible nor liable for any loss, theft, embezzlement or damage of items, data (including usernames, codes and passwords), documents, software or data files that are created, provided or used in the context of the performance of the Optimizers Agreement, and these risks are Customer’s alone.
6.1 The Customer shall own all rights, titles, and interest in and to all of the Customer Data and shall have sole responsibility for the legality, reliability, integrity, accuracy and quality of the Customer Data. The Customer guarantees that it and/or the applicable Authorized Users have all rights to any and all data that is generated or uploaded by the Authorized Users, and the Customer will indemnify Optimizers in full with respect to any third-party claim and liability in that respect.
In the light of the above, the Customer warrants that its use of the Software and Customer Data is in full compliance with all applicable federal and state laws in the United States and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons in regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as well as all applicable legislation protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and, in particular, their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data. Upon a Customer’s written request, Optimizers shall perform any and all reasonable efforts to assist the Customer with its compliance in consideration for payment of Optimizers standard time and materials rates that are then in place.
6.2 Any Customer Data provided to Optimizers will be stored and processed by Optimizers in accordance with the Privacy Policy. [Additionally, the Customer may be required to provide certain personal data (such as name and email address) to Optimizers as a part of the registration process (“Customer Personal Data”) prior to using Optimizers Services or Software. The Customer expressly agrees that Optimizers may store, use and otherwise process Customer Personal Data in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Customer may request information regarding the Customer Personal Data, or request correction or deletion of such data by contacting Optimizers.
6.3 In the event of any loss or damage to Customer Data, the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be for Optimizers to use commercially reasonable efforts to restore the lost or damaged Customer Data from the latest back-up of such Customer Data maintained by Optimizers. Optimizers shall not be responsible for any loss, destruction, alteration, or disclosure of Customer Data caused by any third party.
6.4 Optimizers cannot be held liable for Customer Data that is required to be input into the Software by Customer such as variable rates, fees and percentages including but not limited to applicable tax and social insurance (or other mandatory contribution) percentages. The variable percentages pre-populated by Optimizers in the Software are pro -forma only, and Optimizers expressly disclaims any representations related to the accuracy and appropriateness of such data.
7.1 Optimizers hereby agrees that the Optimizers Services will be performed substantially in accordance with the Software Specification.
7.2 If the Software does not conform to the foregoing undertaking, Optimizers will, at its expense, use all commercially reasonable efforts to correct any such non-conformance promptly, or provide the Customer with an alternative means of accomplishing the desired performance. If the non-conformity persists without relief for more than 30 days after Customer has provided written notice to Optimizers, then the Customer may terminate the affected Subscription Services, and Optimizers shall refund to Customer any prepaid fees covering the remainder of the term of the affected Subscription Services after the date of termination. This Section 7.2 sets forth the Customer’s sole and exclusive right to remedy (and Optimizers’ sole liability) in connection with Optimizers’ obligation to provide the Subscription Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Subscription Services are provided “as-is” and Optimizers does not warrant that the Customer’s use of the Software and the Optimizers Services will be uninterrupted or error-free.
7.3 Optimizers’ obligations in Section 7.1 shall not apply to any defect, issue or non-conformity caused by use of the Software contrary to Optimizers‘ instructions or any modifications or alterations to the Software made by any Person other than Optimizers.
7.5 These Terms and Conditions shall not prevent Optimizers from entering into agreements with third -parties, or from independently developing, using, selling, or licensing materials, products, or services which are similar to those provided under any Optimizers Agreement.
The Customer and its Authorized Users shall:
(a) use the Software and the Optimizers Services in full compliance with these Terms and Conditions and any applicable Optimizers Agreement;
(b) provide Optimizers with:
(i) all necessary cooperation in relation to any applicable Optimizers Agreement; and
(ii) all necessary access to such information as may be required by Optimizers;
(iii) in order to render the Optimizers Services, including but not limited to Customer Data, security access information, and software interfaces to the Customer’s other business applications;
(c) provide such assistance, as may be reasonably requested by Optimizers from time to time;
(d) comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to its activities under any applicable Optimizers Agreements;
(e) comply with applicable U.S. export laws or regulations, and not directly or indirectly provide or otherwise make available any Optimizers Services and Software in violation of any such restrictions, laws or regulations. Neither the Optimizers Services or Software nor the underlying information or technology may be downloaded or otherwise provided or made available, either directly or indirectly, into any country subject to U.S. trade sanctions, to individuals or entities controlled by such countries, or to nationals or residents of such countries other than nationals who are lawfully admitted permanent residents of countries not subject to such sanctions; and
(f) carry out all other Customer responsibilities set out in any applicable Optimizers Agreement or these Terms and Conditions (including in any of the Schedules) in a timely and efficient manner. In the event of any delays in the Customer’s provision of such assistance as agreed by the parties, Optimizers may adjust any timetable or delivery Schedule set out in any applicable Optimizers Agreement as reasonably necessary.
9.1 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Optimizers and/or its licensors own all intellectual property rights in the Software and the Optimizers Services. Except as expressly stated herein, these Terms and Conditions do not grant the Customer any rights to, or in, patents, copyrights, database rights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights or licences in respect of the Software, Optimizers Services or any related documentation.
9.2 The Customer may not fully or partially change, remove or render unrecognizable Optimizer’s trademark, design, and logo from the Software, Optimizers Services or any related documentation. The Customer may not use or register any trademark, design, logo or domain name of Optimizers or any corresponding name of sign in any jurisdiction worldwide.
10.1 Each Party may be given access to Confidential Information from the other Party in order to perform its obligations under the applicable Optimizers Agreements. A Party’s Confidential Information shall not include information that:
(a) is or becomes publicly known other than through any act or omission of the receiving party; or
(b) was in the other Party ’s lawful possession before the disclosure; or
(c) is lawfully disclosed to the receiving Party by a third-party without restriction on disclosure, and without breach of any agreement entered into with a Party; or
(d) is independently developed by the receiving Party, which independent development can be shown by written evidence; or
(e) is required to be disclosed by an order of any court of competent jurisdiction or any regulatory or administrative body.
10.2 Each Party shall hold the other’s Confidential Information in confidence and, unless required by law, not make the other’s Confidential Information available to any third-party, or use the other’s Confidential Information for any purpose other than for activities conducted pursuant to an Optimizers Agreement.
10.3 Each Party shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the other’s Confidential Information to which it has access is not disclosed or distributed by its employees or agents (including Authorized Users) in violation of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.
10.4 The Customer acknowledges that the Software, the results of any tests of the Software and the Optimizers Services constitute Optimizers‘ Confidential Information.
10.5 Optimizers acknowledges that the Customer Data is the Confidential Information of the Customer.
10.6 No Party shall make, or permit any person to make, any public announcement concerning any Optimizers Agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties (such consent is not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), except as required by law, any governmental or regulatory authority (including, but not limited to, any relevant securities exchange in which such Party’s stock is listed), any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction.
10.7 Clause 10 shall survive expiration or termination of these Terms and Conditions, however arising.
11.1 The Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Optimizers against claims, actions, proceedings, losses, damages, expenses, and costs (including without limitation court costs and reasonable legal fees) arising out of or in connection with the Customer’s use of the Software or Optimizers Services, including with respect to any data that is generated or uploaded through the Software, provided that:
(a) the Customer is given prompt notice of any such claim;
(b) Optimizers provides reasonable co-operation to the Customer in the defence and settlement of such claim, at the Customer’s expense; and
(c) the Customer is given sole authority to defend or settle the claim.
11.2 Optimizers shall defend the Customer, its officers, directors, and employees against any claim that the Software infringes any copyright, and shall indemnify the Customer for any amounts awarded against the Customer in judgment or settlement of such claims, provided that:
(a) Optimizers is given prompt notice of any such claim;
(b) the Customer provides reasonable co-operation to Optimizers in the defence and settlement of such claim, at Optimizers‘ expense; and
(c) Optimizers is given sole authority to defend or settle the claim.
11.3 Neither Party shall be responsible for any loss, destruction, alteration, or disclosure of Confidential Information caused by any third-party, unless such third-party received access to the Confidential Information as a result of a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
11.4 In the defence or settlement of a claim, Optimizers may obtain for the Customer the right to continue using the Software, replace or modify the Software so that it becomes non-infringing or, if such remedies are not reasonably available, terminate the applicable Optimizers Agreement without liability to the Customer. Optimizers shall have no liability if the alleged infringement is based on:
(a) a modification of the Software by anyone other than Optimizers; or
(b) the Customer’s use of the Software in a manner contrary to the instructions given to the Customer by Optimizers; or
(c) the Customer’s use of the Software after notice of the alleged or actual infringement from Optimizers or any appropriate authority.
11.5 The foregoing states the Customer’s sole and exclusive rights and remedies, and Optimizers‘ entire obligations and liability, for copyright infringement.
12.1 This Section 12 sets out the entire liability of Optimizers (including any liability for the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and sub-contractors) to the Customer:
(a) arising under or in connection with any Optimizers Agreement;
(b) in respect of any use made by the Customer of the Optimizers Services, the Software, the Deliverables or any part of them; and
(c) in respect of any representation, misrepresentation, guarantee, statement or tortious act or omission, arising under or in connection with an Optimizers Agreement.
12.2 Except as expressly and specifically provided in these Terms and Conditions:
(a) the Customer assumes sole responsibility for results obtained from the use of the Software and the Optimizers Services by the Customer, and for conclusions drawn from such use. Optimizers shall have not be held liable for any damages caused by errors or omissions in any information, instructions or scripts provided to Optimizers by the Customer in connection with the Optimizers Services, or any actions taken by Optimizers at the Customer’s direction;
(b) Optimizers shall not be held liable for any damages, costs, or expenses that arise as a result of, or are caused by any defect, malfunction, non-conformity or unavailability of software and/or API Connectors that are (wholly or partially) provided or created by third -parties, which hamper the use of the Software in any way;
(c) Optimizers shall not be held liable for any damages, costs, or expenses that arise as a result of, or are caused by any use of Terminals that are not in compliance with System Requirements or any release notes; and
(d) Optimizers Services and Software are provided to the Customer “as-is” and all warranties, representations, conditions, and all other terms of any kind whatsoever implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, disclaimed by Optimizers.
12.3 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude the liability of either Party for:
(a) damage resulting from intentional or wilful misconduct, gross negligence, or fraud by a Party, its agents or employees (including Authorized Users); or
(b) mandatory liability arising under applicable product liability laws, if any.
12.4 The Service Level Agreement state the Customer’s full and exclusive right and remedy, and Optimizers‘ only obligation and liability in respect of, the performance and/or availability of the Services, or their non-performance and non-availability.
12.5 Without prejudice to Section 12.3(b), Optimizers disclaims all liability for any:
(a) loss of revenue or profit;
(b) loss of goodwill;
(c) loss of business or business opportunity;
(d) loss or corruption of data or information
(e) loss of anticipated saving;
(f) loss of use or other intangible losses;
(g) cost of procurement of substitute software or services; or
(h) special, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damage,
suffered by the Customer under or in connection with any Optimizers Agreement.
12.6 Without prejudice to Section 12.3(b), Optimizers‘ total liability arising under or in connection with any Optimizers Agreement, whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence) or restitution, or for breach of statutory duty or misrepresentation, or otherwise, shall be limited to the fees paid under such Optimizers Agreement in the prior 12 months.
12.7 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that the relationship formed in accordance with the Optimizers Agreements is not a fiduciary or other special relationship.
13.1 Optimizers Agreements shall commence on the effective date of such agreement and shall continue for an indefinite period of time, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise. To the extent that Parties agreed to a fixed term, then at the end of the fixed term, the Parties agree that the term of the Optimizers Agreement will be automatically extended, for a duration equal to the prior term, unless either Party notifies the other Party of its intent not to renew the Optimizers Agreement 60 days prior to the then applicable expiration or termination date.
13.2 An Optimizers Agreement may be terminated by either Party by providing the other Party a 60 days’ prior written notice, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise in the Optimizers Agreement.
13.3 The Customer is not entitled to early termination of an Optimizers Agreement that has been entered into for a definite period of time.
13.4 Without affecting any other right or remedy available to it (including Optimizer’s right to seek full payment), either Party may terminate the applicable Optimizers Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other Party if:
(a) the other Party fails to pay any amount due under an Optimizers Agreement on the due date for payment, and remains in default for not less than 15 days after being notified in writing to make such payment;
(b) the other Party breaches any other term of an Optimizers Agreement that justifies the termination of such agreement, and its consequences are then irremediable or (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy such breach within a reasonable period of time which will be at least fifteen 15 days after being notified by the other Party in writing;
(c) the other Party (a) becomes insolvent or unable to pay its debts as they mature; (b) makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; (c) seeks relief, or if proceedings are commenced against such other Party or on its behalf, under any bankruptcy, insolvency or debtors’ relief law and such proceedings have not been vacated or set aside within 7 days from the date of commencement thereof;
(d) a petition is filed, a notice is given, a resolution is passed, or an order is made, for or in connection with the winding up of that other Party;
(e) an application is made to the court, or an order is made, for the appointment of an administrator, or if a notice of intention to appoint an administrator is given, or if an administrator is appointed, over the other Party (being a company);
(f) the other Party suspends or ceases, or threatens to suspend or cease, carrying on all or a substantial part of its business.
13.5 On termination of an Optimizers Agreement for any reason:
(a) all rights and licences granted under such Optimizers Agreement shall immediately terminate;
(b) each Party shall return and make no further use of any equipment, property, materials, and other items (and all copies of them) belonging to the other Party;
(c) Optimizers may destroy or otherwise dispose of any of the Customer Data in its possession unless Optimizers receives, no later than 10 days after the effective date of the termination of the applicable Optimizers Agreement, a written request for the delivery to the Customer of the then most recent back-up of the Customer Data. Optimizers shall use reasonable commercial endeavours to deliver the back-up to the Customer within 30 days of its receipt of such a written request, provided that the Customer has, at that time, paid all fees and charges outstanding at and resulting from termination (whether or not due at the date of termination). The Customer shall pay all reasonable expenses incurred by Optimizers in returning or disposing of Customer Data; and
(d) any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities of the parties that have accrued up to the date of termination, including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of an Optimizers Agreement which existed at or before the date of termination shall not be affected or prejudiced.
14.1 Neither Party will be liable for any failure or delay in performing an obligation under an Optimizers Agreement that is due to any of the following causes, to the extent beyond its reasonable control: acts of God, accident, riots, war, terrorist act, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, civil commotion, breakdown of communication facilities, breakdown of web host, breakdown of internet service provider, any failure of Optimizer’s suppliers, any failure of an API provided by third party, natural catastrophes, governmental acts or omissions, changes in laws or regulations, national strikes, fire, explosion, generalized lack of availability of raw materials or energy (“Force Majeure”). For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure does not include (a) financial distress nor the inability of either Party to make a profit or avoid a financial loss, (b) changes in market prices or conditions, or (c) a Party’s financial inability to perform its obligations hereunder. A Party experiencing a Force Majeure cause shall immediately notify the other Party of the matters constituting the Force Majeure, and shall keep that Party fully informed of the continuance of the Force Majeure, and of any relevant change of circumstances whilst such force majeure continues.
14.2 If the Force Majeure continues for longer than 60 days, either Party may at any time while such Force Majeure continues immediately terminate the applicable Optimizers Agreement by prior written notice to the other Party.
15.1 The applicable Optimizers Agreement, together with any documents referred to in it, and these Terms and Conditions will constitute the complete agreement between the Parties relating to its subject matter and will supersede and extinguish any prior drafts, agreements, undertakings, representations, warranties, and arrangements of any nature, whether in writing or oral, relating to such subject matter. General terms and conditions of Customer are expressly excluded. Such general terms and conditions do not apply and are not incorporated into the Optimizers Agreement, even if subsequent documentation should make reference to any such general terms and conditions. No variation of an Optimizers Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Parties (or their authorized representatives).
16.1 The Customer shall not, without the prior written consent of Optimizers, assign, transfer, or sub-contract all or any of its rights or obligations under any Optimizers Agreement. Any assignment and or transfer in violation of the foregoing will be void and have no effect.
16.2 Optimizers may at any time assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under an Optimizers Agreement without the need for any prior notice to or consent from the Customer. In the event that any documents or other action is required to effectuate such assignment or transfer, Customer hereby appoints Optimizers as its attorney-in-fact and authorizes Optimizers to execute such documents and perform such action in the name and on behalf of Customer.
17.1 The Optimizers Agreements shall be governed by the laws of the state of New York, without regard to its conflict of law principles. The Parties specifically agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Products (CISG), regardless of conflict of law principles, is not applicable to any Optimizers Agreements. .
17.2 Any disputes arising from or in connection with an Optimizers Agreement, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise shall be exclusively adjudicated by state and federal courts located in New York. Each of the Parties consents to personal jurisdiction in such venue for such a proceeding and agrees that it may be served with process in any action with respect to an Optimizers Agreement or the transactions contemplated therein by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Each of the Parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives and agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, not to plead any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue or the convenience of the forum of any action or claim with respect to an Optimizers Agreement or the transactions contemplated therein. Further, each Party hereby waives their rights to a jury trial for any claim or cause of action based upon or arising out of an Optimizers Agreement or the transactions contemplated therein.
The costs relating to legal proceedings including but not limited to the actual costs Optimizers incurs for lawyers, bailiffs and translators, will be payable in full by the Customer if the Customer is the party that is completely or mostly unsuccessful in such proceedings.
The provisions included in this part B apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Configuration Services as concluded between the Parties.
18.1 Optimizers shall perform the Configuration Services in accordance with the timetable set out in the Optimizers Agreement and Project Plan. Optimizers shall use commercially reasonable efforts to meet the performance dates, but any such dates shall be estimates only, and time shall not be of the essence in such Optimizers Agreement.
18.2 On delivery of each Deliverable, the Customer shall be able to access the Deliverable online. Within 2 weeks of Optimizers‘ delivery to the Customer of any Deliverable, the Customer shall review the Deliverable to confirm that it functions in material conformance with the applicable portion of the Software Specification. If the Deliverable fails in any material respect to conform to the applicable portion of the Software Specification, the Customer shall give Optimizers a detailed description of any such non-conformance („Error“), in writing, within the 2 weeks review period.
18.3 With respect to any Errors contained in any Deliverables delivered to the Customer during the Configuration Services, Optimizers shall use commercially reasonable efforts to correct any such Error within a reasonable time and, on completion, submit the corrected Deliverable to the Customer. The provisions of this Section 18.3 shall then apply again, up to three additional times. If Optimizers is unable to correct such Error after three attempts, either Party may terminate the Optimizers Agreement, without further liability, upon prior written notice to the other Party.
18.4 If the Customer does not provide any written comments in the 2 week period described above, or if the Deliverable is found to conform to the Software Specification, the Deliverable shall be deemed Accepted.
18.5 „Acceptance“ as used in the Agreement shall mean that the Customer waives any claims in relation to the Services that are based on any non-conformity, fault, or defects.
The provisions included in this part C apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Consultancy Services as concluded between the Parties.
19.1 Where agreed in an Optimizers Agreement, Optimizers will perform the Consultancy Services to the best of its ability, where relevant in accordance with the arrangements and procedures determined with the Customer in writing. Optimizers shall make every effort to ensure that the Consultancy Services that are provided under the Optimizers Agreement are provided with due care and in accordance with the arrangements and procedures agreed in writing with Customer where applicable. Optimizers is not subject to an obligation to produce a certain result.
19.2 Optimizers will send the Customer an order confirmation and add a schedule for the performance of the Consultancy Services. After receipt of the order confirmation signed for approval by the Customer, Optimizers will draw up a Project Plan in consultation with the Customer if this has been agreed in the order confirmation. Optimizers will start the actual performance of the Consultancy Services, exclusively in accordance with the Project Plan.
19.3 If Optimizers is providing services on the basis of information to be provided by Customer, this information shall be prepared by Customer in accordance with the conditions to be imposed by Optimizers and provided at the risk and expense of Customer. Customer shall at all times guarantee that all materials, information, software, procedures and instructions that it makes available to Optimizers for the purpose of providing the services is accurate and complete and that all data media issued to Optimizers meet Optimizers‘ specifications. The use made by Customer of services or advice issued by Optimizers shall in all cases be at Customer’s risk and expense.
19.4 Consultancy Services will be performed in stages, as such, Optimizers is entitled to postpone the commencement of the services that form part of a next stage until the Customer has approved the results of the preceding stage in writing.
19.5 In the provision of the Consultancy Services, Optimizers is entitled to use or instruct, in its sole discretion, any Person, who will work as a subcontractor of Optimizers under the management and supervision of Optimizers. Optimizers is entitled to replace such subcontractor, at its sole discretion, and without any need for notice to or consent from Customer. If the Customer has entered into the Optimizers Agreement with a view to performance by a certain Person, Optimizers will always be authorised to replace that Person with one or more other Persons, at its sole discretion.
Consultancy Services will be performed on Business Days during Normal Business Hours. Depending on the activities, the Consultancy Services can be performed remotely or at the Customer’s business location, at Optimizer’s sole discretion.
19.6 Up to 5 Business Days before the agreed start date of the Consultancy Services, the Customer can cancel the purchase of the Consultancy Services or request Optimizers to determine a new start date which new start date will not be before the original start date. If the Customer does not provide such 5 Business Days’ prior notice, Optimizers is entitled to charge the Customer for the Consultancy Services that the Customer agreed to purchase in accordance with the applicable Optimizers Agreement, and for any costs incurred by Optimizers in connection with the Consultancy Services.
19.7 All Consultancy Services prices and rates are exclusive of applicable taxes and exclusive of travel, accommodation and hotel expenses. Consultancy Services on site are invoiced for at least 4 hours per visit per consultant. On Business Days after 6 P.M., the hourly rates are increased up to 150% of the normal rate and up to 200% during the weekend.
The provisions included in this part D apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Subscription Services as concluded between the Parties.
20.1 In these terms and conditions, “subscription” means Optimizer’s provision of a right to use the Software as further described to in Section 20.5 of these Terms and Conditions, and/or Service Level Agreement as referred to in Schedule 2.
20.2 Optimizers shall perform the Subscription Services on the Optimizers Cloud Platform. The Service Level Agreement shall apply effective from the start of the month after the Configuration Services have been completed.
20.3 The Customer owes Optimizers a monthly subscription fee for each part of the Software for which a right of use is granted pursuant to the Optimizers Agreement as well as for the Service Level Agreement.
20.4 To the extent that Customer wishes to extend the right of use to additional users that exceed the agreed-upon number of Authorized Users, the Customer shall promptly inform Optimizers. Optimizers will charge the subscription fee for the use of the Software by the Authorized Users, as well as any additional users requested by the Customer.
20.5 In relation to Authorized Users:
(a) the Customer’s access to the Subscription Services shall be limited to the number of “mac addresses” that can be used by individual Authorized Users, employees or independent contractors of the Customer, as shown in the order („Seats“);
(b) the Customer shall maintain a written list of current Authorized Users of the Software, and the Customer shall provide such list to Optimizers as may be reasonably requested by Optimizers from time to time;
(c) the Customer shall ensure that each Authorized User keeps a secure password for his or her use of the Software, that such password is changed no less frequently than monthly and that each Authorized User keeps his or her password confidential;
(d) Optimizers may audit the use of the Software regarding the name and mac address(es) for each Authorized User. Such audit may be conducted no more than once per quarter, at Optimizers‘ expense, and shall be exercised with reasonable prior notice, in a manner so as to not substantially interfere with Customer’s normal conduct of business; and
(e) if such audit reveals that the number of actual users exceeds the number of Seats which were purchased as per Article 20.5(a), and without prejudice to Optimizers‘ other rights, the Customer shall pay any and all license fees for the excess actual users.
20.6 In relation to the Software:
(a) Optimizers hereby grant the Customer on and subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Optimizers Agreement a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to allow Authorized Users to access the Optimizers Cloud Platform through the Subscription Services and to use the Optimizers Cloud Platform solely for the Customer’s business purposes;
(b) Optimizers hereby grant the Customer on and subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Optimizers Agreement a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to allow Authorized Users to download, install and run the Apps and/or Web Applications that have been ordered for supported Terminals that Customer owns or controls solely for the Customer’s business purposes. The Optimizer Apps and Web Applications may not be available for all devices;
(c) the Customer shall not store, distribute or transmit any Virus, or any material through the Subscription Services that is (i) unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, harassing or racially or ethnically offensive; (ii) facilitates illegal activity; (iii) depicts sexually explicit images; (iv) promotes unlawful violence; or (v) promotes discrimination based on race, gender, colour, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability or any other illegal activities;
(d) the rights provided under this Section 20.6 are granted to the Customer only, and shall not be considered granted to any subsidiary, affiliate or holding company of the Customer;
(e) the Customer shall not:
(i) use the Software in excess of contractual limitations on usage or in a manner that circumvents the limitations on usage or the technological measures to control access;
(ii) license, sub-license, sell, re-sell, rent, lease, transfer, distribute or timeshare or otherwise make any of the Software available for access by third -parties except as otherwise expressly provided in the applicable Optimizers Agreement;
(iii) attempt to copy, duplicate, modify, create derivative works from or distribute all or any portion of the Software except to the extent expressly set out in the applicable Optimizers Agreement or as may be allowed by any applicable law which is incapable of exclusion by agreement between the Parties; or
(iv) attempt to reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise reduce to human-perceivable form all or any part of the Software, except as may be allowed by any applicable mandatory law which is incapable of exclusion by agreement between the Parties; or
(v) access all or any part of the Software or Subscription Services in order to build a product or service which competes with the Software and/or the Services
(vi) use the Software or Subscription Services to provide services to third -parties; or
(vii) subject to Section 16.1, transfer, temporarily or permanently, any of its rights under the Optimizers Agreement, or
(viii) attempt to obtain, or assist third parties in obtaining, access to the Software, other than as provided under this Section 20.6(e); and
(ix) to the extent not covered by the foregoing, attempt to circumvent or breach the security of the Software including the performance of any penetration tests at Customer’s initiative except with Optimizers’ prior written approval.
(f) the Customer shall use reasonable endeavours to prevent any unauthorized access to, or use of, the Software and notify Optimizers promptly of any such unauthorized access or use.
20.7 Optimizers does not commit and/or warrant that the Customer’s use of the Software and the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free, and disclaims responsibility and liability in that respect. Where determined to be needed in Optimizers sole discretion, Optimizers shall perform maintenance to the Software in accordance with the parameters set out in Schedule 2, during which the Software may be completely inaccessible or in a degraded state of performance.
21.1 Scheduled maintenance of any (hosting) equipment, facility, Software or other aspects of the Subscription Services that may require interruption of the Subscription Services („Maintenance Events“) shall not be performed during Normal Business Hours. Optimizers may interrupt the Services to perform emergency maintenance. In addition, Optimizers may interrupt the Subscription Services outside Normal Business Hours for unscheduled maintenance, provided that it has given the Customer at least two days‘ advance notice. Any Maintenance Events which occur during Normal Business Hours, and which were notified to or caused by the Customer, shall not be considered downtime for the purpose of service availability measurement. Optimizers shall at all times use commercially reasonable efforts to keep any service interruptions to a minimum.
22.1 Maintenance includes all regularly scheduled error corrections, software updates and those upgrades limited to improvements to features described in the Software Specification. Optimizers shall in its sole discretion decide in what manner and frequency maintenance of the Software is performed. Support for additional features developed by Optimizers, as requested by the Customer, may be purchased separately at Optimizers‘ then -current rates.
22.2 The Customer shall promptly apply any application upgrade that Optimizers determines is necessary to maintain the security, performance, or availability of the Subscription Service.
22.3 Should the Customer determine that the Software includes a defect, the Customer may at any time file error reports. During maintenance periods, Optimizers may, at its sole discretion, choose to upgrade versions, install error corrections, and apply patches to the hosted systems. Optimizers shall use all reasonable endeavours to avoid unscheduled downtime for Software maintenance.
22.4 Optimizers may charge the Customer for the costs of repair in case of errors caused by the Customer and/or its Authorized Users. Maintenance does not include activities relating to and/or caused by inexpert use, negligence, lack of alertness, intent, changes of a user nature, changes in the equipment, or changes in the Software that have not been applied by Optimizers.
23.1 “Support” means the right to support in respect of the use and the functioning of the Software where the Customer or one of its employees can ask questions via the customer portal and where Optimizers can also offer support by phone or email.
23.2 Support can only be requested by the Customer and its employees.
23.3 If the Customer or one of its employees requests Support, the computer system on which the Software is installed must by in the immediate vicinity of the Customer or that employee and be continually available to the Customer or that employee.
23.4 If Optimizers in its sole discretion establishes that the Customer was not entitled to the Support or if it turns out that Optimizer’s efforts do not fall under the scope of Support and/or would qualify as Consultancy Services, Optimizers can charge the Customer for the cost of the Support offered to the Customer at the standard prices applicable at that time and the Customer shall pay Optimizers such fees accordingly.
23.5 Any Support provided will be subject to these Terms and Conditions and the terms of any applicable Optimizers Agreements.
The provisions included in this part E apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Private Cloud Services as concluded between the Parties.
24.1 These terms and conditions apply in addition to the conditions for Subscription Services concluded between the Customer and Optimizers.
24.2 Optimizers grants the Customer the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Private Cloud Services during the term of the Optimizers Agreement. Customer’s use of the Private Cloud Services is exclusively for the Customer’s internal business operations and is limited to the type of Private Cloud Software and the number of Authorized Users that the Customer has contractually laid down in the Optimizers Agreement.
24.3 The Customer is expressly not allowed to use the Private Cloud Service for, or have it used by, more types of Private Cloud Software than the number that Optimizers made available to the Customer.
24.4 The Customer is not allowed to use the Private Cloud Services for the benefit of third -parties, or for commercial use of timeshare.
24.5 Optimizers has the right to adjust the Private Cloud Services at its sole discretion. Optimizers will provide reasonable notice to the Customer of any adjustments insofar as these are relevant to the use of the Private Cloud Services, at Optimizer’s sole discretion.
24.6 The Customer owes Optimizers a hosting fee pursuant to the Optimizers Agreement. The fee is due on a monthly basis in advance and is based on i) the type of Private Cloud Software and ii) any additional services that Optimizers provides to the Customer pursuant to the Optimizers Agreement.
24.7 The Customer shall only access the Private Cloud Software via the login procedure using login details that Optimizers has provided to the Authorized Users. These details are personal to the individual Authorized User and cannot be transferred to another Person, inside or outside the Customer’s organization.
24.8 The Customer shall only access the Private Cloud Services and use these in accordance with the provisions as described in these terms and conditions and the applicable laws and regulations.
24.9 The Customer is not allowed to i) use or attempt to use the Private Cloud Services for any illegal or unlawful purposes and/or to publish or otherwise distributing materials that are offensive, deformity or in conflict with intellectual property rights of third -parties, ii) use or attempt to use the Private Cloud Services in a manner that disrupts, limits or interferes with the delivery of the Optimizers Services, iii) gain access or attempt to gain access to any part of the Private Cloud Services which the Customer is not authorised to access, iv) use any form of automated integration other than automated integration via the API’s, or v) reverse engineer, decompile, copy, distribute, disseminate, sublicense, modify, translate, scan, adjust or in any other way modify and/or reproduce Software that forms part of the Private Cloud Services.
24.10 If the Customer discovers at any time that it can enter Optimizer’s network layers, it must report this immediately to Optimizers.
24.11 If Optimizers believes the undisturbed operation of its infrastructure and/or the provision of services to its Customers is at risk for reasons including but not limited to Virus infections, denial of service attacks, port scans, hacking, spam from or on behalf of the Customer or otherwise, it may issue instructions that must be immediately followed by the Customer and Optimizers may suspend all of part of its Optimizers Services for as long as the relevant risks exists, at its sole discretion.
24.12 Optimizers will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Private Cloud Services are available for use by the Customer, as specified in the Service Level Agreement.
24.13 Optimizers may amend the Service Level Agreement at its sole discretion. The Customer will receive reasonable prior notice of any amendments of the Service Level Agreement. Optimizers may, with prior notice, permanently or temporarily block or disable access to the Private Cloud Services or restrict their use to the extent this is reasonably necessary from time to time: i) to perform preventive or regular maintenance or upgrades in respect of the Private Cloud Services, ii) perform Maintenance, ii) if an actual or suspected security breach occurs, and/or iv) another emergency occurs, all with the Customer being entitled to seek, reasonable compensation from Optimizers.
24.14 The Customer will always remain the proprietor of the Customer Data and is solely responsible for the content and accuracy of the Customer Data.
24.15 Optimizers cannot guarantee that no loss of data will occur.
The provisions included in this part F apply, in addition to the General Provisions of these terms and conditions, if the Optimizers Agreement (also) relates to Customized Software as concluded between the Parties.
25.1 Unless stipulated otherwise in this part F, the special provisions of part E of these terms and conditions apply mutatis mutandis to the Customized Software, in so far as this is relevant.
25.2 Customer agrees that all intellectual property rights in the Customized Software and the relevant documentation will be the sole and exclusive property of Optimizers. Optimizers grants the Customer the non-exclusive right and the non-exclusive license to use the Customized Software in accordance with the provisions of the Optimizers Agreement. Customer may only use the Customized Software in the compilation and for the license for which the Customized Software has been developed by Optimizers in accordance with the Optimizers Agreement.
25.3 For the Customized Software to be developed for the Customer, Optimizers will draw up the Software Specifications in detail and in writing and make these known to the Customer. The agreements in respect to the Customized Software are laid down in the Optimizers Agreement. Optimizers will develop the Customized Software to the best of its ability on the basis of the Software Specifications.
25.4 If it has been agreed that the Customized Software will be developed in stages, Optimizers can postpone the commencement of the work that forms part of the next stage until the Customer has approved the results of the preceding stage in writing and Optimizers has received the fee for the work in this preceding stage.
25.5 The Customer shall test the Customized Software for 14 days after delivery.
25.6 The Customer is deemed to have accepted the Customized Software if Optimizers has not received a written response from the Customer within 14 days after delivery of the Customized Software which shows in detail that the Customized Software does not meet the Software Specifications and also fails to function substantially in accordance with the accompanying documentation.
25.7 Acceptance of the Customized Software cannot be withheld due to the existence of small errors. “Small errors” being errors that do not reasonably prevent operational and productive use of the Customized Software, without prejudice to Optimizer’s obligation to remedy these small errors. Acceptance also cannot be withheld due to aspects of the Customized Software that can only be assessed subjectively, such as aesthetic aspects and aspects regarding the design of user interfaces.
Schedule 1: Software and Terminals
The Software consists of the following components:
1.1 The Optimizers Cloud Platform is the software platform as developed by Optimizers, through which a Customer can download, install and run Apps and Web Applications.
1.2 This platform includes the following apps and webservices and corresponding functionalities:
- App4Sales: An App to register and complete sales orders by Authorised Users (i.e. sales representatives).
- App4Customers: An App to register and complete sales orders by end users (not boing Authorized Users)
- Core-portal: A Web application allowing Customers to configure a Business-to-Business (B2B) sales portal connected to the Customer’s ERP system.
- Core-portal pro: in addition to the Core-portal offering Customers more functionality within the B2B sales portal as descripted in the product specification.
- PIM: a software component helping Customers to manage product information which is visible within Core-portal(pro), App4Sales and App4Customers.
- App4Picking: An App to process primary logistic transactions (i.e. order picking, counts and displacements) through a tablet.
- App2Track: An App to navigate the route on a mobile device or tablet and to track and trace deliveries in real time.
- Tweakwise: a SAAS software component to optimize and manage Webshop functionalities including site search, product sorting and filtering, categorizing, recommendations and personalizing.
2.1 Netivity Core: a cloud based digital e-commerce platform, build on a headless architecture and progressive web app front-end. Netivity Core is a standardized core which can be extended with client-specific besproke features.
3.1 The Customer is responsible to ensure that the Terminals as used by the Customer and/or Authorized Users will at a minimum comply with the specifications and/or requirements as published in the release notes and /or Project Plan(s). System Requirements will be part of the Optimizers Agreement.
Schedule 2: Service Level Agreement
Optimizers shall provide at least a 99.5% uptime service availability level („Uptime Service Level“)[ during Normal Business Hours. This availability refers to an access point on Optimizers hosting provider’s backbone network. It does not apply to the portion of the circuit that does not transit the hosting provider’s backbone network, as the Customer is responsible for its own internet access and/or connectivity from / to the ERP system. Availability does not include Maintenance Events as described in the Terms and Conditions, Customer-caused or third Party -caused outages or disruptions (except to the extent that such outages or disruptions are caused by those duly authorized third parties sub-contracted by Optimizers to perform the Services), or outages or disruptions attributable in whole or in part to force majeure events. Service availability could be consulted on the product specific statuspages.
2.1 If availability falls below the Uptime Service Level (as defined in paragraph 1 of 02) in a given calendar month, Optimizers shall credit the Customer’s account by an amount calculated as the product of the total cumulative downtime (expressed as a percentage of the total possible uptime minutes in the month concerned), and the total Monthly Subscription Fee and Monthly Software Licence Fee owed for that month („Service Credit“) as a sole and exclusive remedy.
2.2 A Service Credit shall not be payable unless the Customer requests it within 40 Business Days of the service-affecting event(s). The maximum Service Credit allowable in a given month is limited to an amount equal to the Subscription Fee owed by the Customer for that month.
3.1 Support can only be requested by the Customer and its employees via the customer portal (via the SAAS software platform or product specific support emailadresses).
License & Maintenance Agreement
Article 1 Subject of the Agreement
1.1 Counter Party acquires a non-exclusive, not transferable right of use that can be recalled by Optimizers with immediate effect on the licenses further set forth in Exhibit I for the benefit of simultaneous users.
1.2 Counter Party may use the software program(s) only for data processing within its own enterprise and, to the extent applicable, within its subsidiaries in the sense of Article 2:24a of the Dutch Civil Code.
Article 2 Copying and changing
2.1 Counter Party may not make the software program(s) public and may not copy and/or otherwise multiply or change it. Except for when it is necessary for the use that has been permitted explicitly according to the Agreement.
2.2 Counter Party is authorized to make ONE back-up copy of the software program(s) for security purposes. The data carrier that contains this copy, shall carry the title of the software program(s), the message that the data carrier contains material protected by copyright as well that Optimizers has reserved intellectual rights to this material.
2.3 It is never permitted for Counter Party to change in or remove any present identification from the software program(s) with regard to the creator of the confidential character of the software program(s), or any other reference to Optimizers.
Article 3 Reverse engineering
3.1 It is not permitted for Counter Party to decompile the software program(s), to multiply the code and/or to translate it or to otherwise subject it to reverse engineering, unless that such would happen in accordance with the rules by law regarding the creation of inter-operability of the software program(s) with other software program(s).
3.2 Counter Party is obliged to report to Optimizers in writing in the last mentioned instance, before proceeding to the activities as set forth in the previous section, with a detailed request for making available of the data which the Counter Party wishes to obtain by means of the activities set forth in the previous section. Counter Party thereby needs to indicate which functionality the software program(s) to be developed shall contain and of which parts of the software program(s) he wishes to be able to dispose over the source code, the one and the other to enable Optimizers whether and under which conditions, Counter Party would be able to acquire the disposal of the required data. Optimizers will respond within a reasonable term in writing to this request.
Article 4 Version and release policy
4.1 Only after Counter Party has submitted an explicit request thereto to Optimizer, patches and a maximum of 1 update per year within the version the software supplied by Optimizers are granted, unless agreed differently.
4.2 After the Counter Party has requested a new version of the delivered software, such shall be supplied by Optimizers within a reasonable term.
4.3 Three (3) months after the making available of a new version, Optimizers is no longer obliged to the repair of possible defects in the old version.
Article 5 Confidentiality and assignment
5.1 Counter Party shall not publish the software program(s), give it for viewing or making it otherwise available to any third party, including own employees who do not necessarily have to work with the software program(s), unless agreed by parties in writing and specifically differently.
5.2 Counter Party shall not transfer or hand over the software program(s) or any data carrier on which it has been recorded (whether or not as a part of equipment) or the right of use for the software program(s), or to issue (limited) rights thereto to any third party, unless agreed by parties in writing and specifically differently.
5.3 It is not permitted for Counter Party to assign the rights which it acquires on the basis of this Agreement in any way to a third party, without it having received a permission in writing by Optimizers for this assignment. If and to the extent that permission is granted by Optimizers, conditions may be set for this assignment by Optimizers.
Article 6 Intellectual property rights
6.1 Optimizers warrants to Counter Party that the software program(s) and the use thereof granted to Counter Party does not constitute a violation of intellectual property rights and/or similar rights of third parties, and that it is fully authorized to grant the rights set forth in this Agreement. Optimizers safeguards Counter Party for all damage(s) that derive for Counter Party from an alleged violation of such rights of third parties, on the condition that Counter Party immediately reports an alleged violation to and, if and to the extent that Optimizers wishes so, leaves the defense to such allegation fully to Optimizers and that it will thereby give all required cooperation and information.
6.2 In case of a violation or an alleged violation as set forth in the previous section, Optimizers has the right to replace or change the software program(s) in such a way that the violation is thereby relieved and that as little as possible, the functional features of the software program(s) are affected as little as possible. If a violation as set forth in the previous section has been determined by a court decision, that has definitively come into force and/or can be executed in the country where Counter Party is located and it is determined that a replacement or change is not possible without a negative impact on the functional features of possibilities of use of the software program(s), then both Parties have the right to dissolve this Agreement.
Article 7 Violations
7.1 In case of a violation of the stipulations set forth in the articles 2-5, Counter Party liable for the (consequential) damage(s) incurred and to be incurred by Optimizers as a consequence of the violation made by Counter Party.
Article 8 Duration, termination and audit
8.1 This Agreement comes into force on the day that this has been signed by both Parties. The right of use only becomes valid after the amounts agreed for the acquisition of the right of use have been paid in full to Optimizers.
8.2 This Agreement is entered into for an indefinite period.
8.3 It can only be terminated in one of the cases set forth in this Article.
8.4 Optimizers has the right to terminate the present Agreement with immediate effect by means of a notification in writing in case of a violation by Counter Party of one or more of its obligations conform to this Agreement.
8.5 Optimizers shall not be liable to pay any compensation for damages for such termination, notwithstanding its right to full compensation for damages because of a default in the compliance with the present Agreement.
8.6 In all cases of termination or dissolution of present Agreement Counter Party is obliged to deliver all copies of the software program(s) and the documentation that are in its possession as well as all reproductions made thereof, within two (2) weeks after termination or dissolution to the address of Optimizers. Furthermore the software program(s) need to be removed immediately after termination or dissolution from all equipment present at the Counter Party of affiliated enterprises. Upon first request of Optimizers, Counter Party is obliged to give its cooperation to an audit by an independent party to be identified by Optimizers, for the purpose of establishing whether the removal as aforementioned has actually taken place. The costs of this audit are for the account of Optimizers, unless the audit establishes that the software program(s) have not, or have not entirely been removed. In that case the costs of the audit are for the account of Counter Party, even when the software program(s), either demonstrable or not, are not or no longer used by Counter Party.
8.7 Obligations that in view of their nature are destined to last till after termination of this Agreement shall remain in force after termination. Thus termination of this Agreement does explicitly not relieve Parties of the stipulations regarding confidentiality, intellectual property, applicable law and competent court.
Article 9 Liability
9.1 Although the software program(s) have been composed with the greatest possible care, Optimizers does not warrant that the software program(s) operate without errors and/or is without omissions. Furthermore Optimizers does not warrant that the software program(s) is/are suitable for the purpose for which Counter Party acquires the rights on the software program(s) as set forth in this Agreement.
9.2 If and to the extent that the Counter Party defaults in an attributable way in the compliance with its obligation(s), the Counter Party is liable towards Optimizers for compensation for the damage(s), as well as incurred and yet to incur consequential damage.
9.3 Liability of Optimizers because of a default in the compliance with the Agreement is fully excluded, except for intent or conscious negligence on the side of Optimizers.
9.4 If and to the extent that the limitation as set forth before is not possible legally, then the maximum compensation for damages for which Optimizers can be held liable shall not be more than the value of the license fees (exclusive of VAT and other levies imposed by the government) that have actually been paid by Counter Party and have been received by Optimizers for the acquisition of the right of use on the software program(s) as referred to in present Agreement.
Article 10 Maintenance
10.1 Counter Party has a right to updates and the yearly required licenses for the software by Optimizers and the users belonging thereto. The right on maintenance is not transferable and will be extended after the expiry date silently under the same terms and conditions each time for a period of one (1) year, unless Counter Party or Optimizers has notified by registered mail no later than sixty (60) days before the end of the contract period that it wished to terminate this Agreement. The right on maintenance commences on the day of installation.
10.2 The costs for maintenance and support are charged per year and are calculated in accordance with the license and maintenance fees set forth in Exhibit I. Optimizers does not warrant that the software program(s) will operate without interruptions or defects. If the software program(s) does not comply with the written specifications according to the user manuals and/or the detail design of the software program(s), Optimizers is not liable for possible damage to files and neither for possible consequential damage deriving there from. However, Optimizers obliges itself to restore the possible damaged files. After receipt of a notification of possible defects or disruptions, Optimizers will restore or mend this to the best of its abilities.
10.3 Optimizers cannot be held liable for variable rates, fees and percentages that need to be input into the program by Counter Party itself, including VAT, BUMA, Vecta Garantiefonds, wages levies and social insurance percentages. The variable percentages already input by Optimizers in the program are pro forma only, from which no rights can be derived. Counter Party remains at all times itself for the inputting and/or checking of the correct percentages.
10.4 Optimizers cannot be held liable by Counter Party for own damage(s), in particular for enterprise or other consequential damage deriving from or related to the use or not being able to use of Optimizers.
10.5 Optimizers cannot be held (liable) to disable computer viruses.
10.6 Optimizers can charge the costs of repair in case of user errors by Counter Party or of other causes not attributable to Optimizers. Restoration of possible lost data is not included under the maintenance.
10.7 The maintenance does not include activities relating to and/or caused by inexpert use, negligence, lack of alertness, intent, changes of a user nature, changes in the equipment or changes in the program that have not been applied by Optimizers or upon commission of Optimizers. Said activities will be charged to Counter Party separately against the then current rates.
10.8 The way in which the maintenance is executed, is determined by Optimizers.
10.9 Counter Party provides Optimizers during the normal office hours, all cooperation for the execution of the maintenance, such as the use of the system insight in the in and output, which relate to the maintenance.
10.10 Optimizers is always authorized to demonstrate that the software program(s) made available by it are working properly by making a test run on or with the aid of equipment belonging to Optimizers or on equipment indicated by it, respectively software program(s) comparable with the situation at the Counter Party.
10.11 The media on which the data required for maintenance are provided remain property of Optimizers.
10.12 During the tenor of this Agreement and immediately following a period of twelve (12) months thereafter, it shall not be permitted for Counter Party to take into employment personnel of Optimizers.
Article 11 Consultancy
11.1 Consultancy activities are executed against the agreed hourly rate and on the desired location, whereby the minimal duration is 1 hours, while on-site activities on location at the Counter Party shall be executed with a minimal duration of 4 hours.
11.2 Counter Party is obliged to provide, upon first request, all information and cooperation that Optimizers deems necessary and useful to be able to execute its activities properly.
11.3 Optimizers warrant the expertise of its (employed) consultants, it being understood that for consultancy activities it shall be obvious that Optimizers has an obligation to make best efforts towards Counter Party.
11.4 Optimizers has no obligation to achieve a certain result and is never liable, if it does not achieve the result expected by Counter Party.
11.5. Liability of Optimizers is fully excluded regarding (consequential) damages incurred or yet to be incurred by Counter Party as a direct or indirect consequence of consultancy activities, except for intent or conscious recklessness on the side of Optimizers.
Article 12 Service and support
12.1 Support is requested by means of sending an e-mail to,, or
12.2 After granting a request for support, it is determined by Optimizers at the beginning whether the request relates to debugging. In that case Counter Party is entitled to support to be provided by Optimizers that leads to repair of that bug, without any costs being charged to Counter Party.
12.3 If and to the extent that the requested support relates to other activities than those that are aimed at repairing bug(s), Optimizers is authorized to charge Counter Party for these activities on the basis of ex post calculation.
Article 13 Prices
13.1 If a fixed price has been agreed with Counter Party, then this fixed price shall only relate to the activities set forth in the Agreement and to services of Optimizers. Possible activities and services provided by Optimizers in addition or by way of change thereto upon commission by Counter Party, hereinafter “extra work”, shall if and to the extent that more than 5% of the agreed fixed price is involved in this, be charged on the basis of ex post calculation to Counter Party. When extra work in the framework of the commission is deemed necessary by Optimizers, then this shall be notified in writing in advance.
13.2 The following circumstances may give rise to extra work and therewith to settlement, as set forth in section one of this clause:
- Extension or change of the analysis, package or demands and wishes of design, after it has been approved by Counter Party.
- Demands, wishes, or expectations of Counter Party that have not been made known to Optimizers at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement to their full extent or not completely clear.
- Defects and shortcomings in products or services of third parties , that reasonably could not be foreseen by Optimizers, or on which Optimizers can exercise no or little influence.
- Shortcoming cooperation by Counter Party in the execution of the Agreement.
13.3 Counter Party is deemed to have agreed with the execution of extra work and the related costs when Counter Party has let the execution of the extra work take place after the written notification as set forth in section 1 of this article, without indicating that such was not desired.
13.4 Activities for which no fixed price has been agreed will be charged on the basis of ex post calculation and against the agreed rates to Counter Party. The current rates and travel expenses are as follows or are calculated as follows:
- Daily rate for consultancy: € 1160.00 exclusive of VAT, whereby it shall apply that a day consists of 8 hours of two parts of a day, each of 4 hours; in case of on-site consultation a minimum of one part of a day will be charged.
- The daily rate for project management and interim management amounts to € 1250.00 exclusive of VAT.
- If travel takes place within the borders of the Benelux, 70 cents per kilometer will be charged, whereby the location of Optimizers is regarded as place of departure.
- If travel takes place outside the borders of the Benelux Optimizers is also authorized to charge the costs of airline tickets and € 250.00 per day to Counter Party as compensation for the incurred hotel costs and expenditures.
13.5 If no rates have been agreed in advance, then the rates will be determined on the basis of the methods customary within Optimizers.
13.6 Optimizers is authorized to charge in addition to the agreed price for waiting time, if Optimizers cannot execute the activities on the agreed time as a consequence of causes attributable to Counter Party.
13.7 If in an “indicative price” has been recorded the offer, then the stated amount does not indicate more than a non-binding estimate of the costs.
13.8 All prices are exclusive of VAT and other levies charged by the government.
13.9 Optimizers has the right to change the rates. These changes will be brought to the attention of Counter Party before its coming into operation. Counter Party is then authorized within 7 working days after the notification, to terminate the Agreement per the date of coming into force of the change.
Article 14 Payment
14.1 All prices are exclusive of turnover tax (VAT) and other levies by the government.
14.2 All invoices shall be paid by Counter Party within 14 days after the date of the invoice and in accordance with the payment conditions stated in the offer.
14.3 If Counter Party does not pay the due amounts within the agreed term, then Counter Party will be liable to pay, without a notification of default being required, to pay an interest of 1.5 % per month over the outstanding amount. If Counter Party remains in default to pay the amount due after a notification of default in writing, then the claim shall be handed over for collection, in which case Counter Party next to the due total amount is also liable to compensation for out-of-court costs that will amount to 15% of the outstanding amount of the invoice. As such shall also be regarded the costs of lawyers, bailiffs and collection agencies, which costs shall be determined according to the current or usual rates.
14.4 Optimizers reserves, at all times, the right to, while observing the then current legislation on prices, to change the price valid between the parties, provided that a notification in writing thereto is given ninety (90) days in advance to Counter Party.
14.5 Irrespective of any other clause of this Agreement Counter Party has the right, when the prices are increased, to terminate this Agreement per the date of the coming into force of the price increase, provided that Counter Party, no later than sixty (60) days before the priced increase coming into force, notifies by registered mail, not to agree with the price increase. This does not apply for the normal price increases according to the index rate C.P.I. (Consumer Price Index) according to the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
14.6 The Counter Party will pay in legal Dutch tender, without deduction or set-off on the basis of Article 6:127 Dutch Civil Code, without suspension on the basis of alleged shortcoming by Optimizers and without the possibility that the Counter Party may block its payment obligation by a seizure of the claim under itself as set forth under Dutch law or otherwise.
Article 15 Returns and exchange of modules and/or users
15.1 The returning of modules and/or users is not permitted. The exchange of modules is only possible after consultation with Optimizers.
Article 16 Termination of current contracts
16.1 For the current contracts the following terms for notification of termination shall apply for Counter Party. Contracts with a duration of 1 year or longer, 60 days notification before the expiration of the license date.
16.2 Contracts should always be cancelled by registered mail or by bailiffs exploit. In case of non timely cancellation, a contract is extended automatically under the same terms and conditions for a period of one (1) year.
Article 17 Force Majeure
17.1 If by Force Majeure or any other cause outside the control of Optimizers, such as in particular, strike, lock out, fire, riots, public disorder and so forth, Optimizers cannot commence, complete or continue one or more of its obligations deriving from the commission or a maintenance contract, then the execution of the concerned part of the commission or the maintenance contract shall be suspended. Optimizers shall notify Counter Party as soon as possible of such fact or such a circumstance.
17.2 As Force Majeure shall be regarded too unforeseen circumstances regarding persons and/or materials of which Optimizers makes us or is in the habit of making use during the execution of the commission, which are of such nature that the execution of the commission becomes impossible, or so cumbersome and/or disproportionally costly, that prompt compliance cannot reasonably be demanded. As such circumstances will be regarded in particular government measures, traffic and transport disruptions, disruptions in the delivery of products and aides, industrial conflicts and complications unforeseen by both Parties and so forth.
Article 18 Dissolution
18.1 If Counter Party remains in default concerning with payment or any other obligation under the commission or the maintenance contract, Optimizers is authorized to, notwithstanding a possible obligation of the Counter Party to pay damages, to proceed without intervention of the courts, to partial or entire dissolution of the Agreement, as well as to repossession of the delivered goods.
18.2 The right to dissolution and repossession set forth in the previous section, will also be available to Optimizers, if the Counter Party deceases, is placed under supervision, should enter into liquidation. Is declared bankrupt, gets a provisional stay of payment or if a seizure under the Counter Party takes place.
Article 19 Cancellation
19.1 If the Counter Party wishes to cancel the concluded Agreement, the 30% will be charged as cancellation costs, notwithstanding the right of Optimizers to full compensation for damages, including missed profits.
19.2 Cancellation is no longer possible, after Optimizers has made an actual start with the execution of the Agreement concluded between the Parties.
Article 20 Complaints
20.1 A possible complaint is only treated by Optimizers, if it is submitted in writing to Optimizers within 14 days after the date of sending the data or documents to which the complaint relates, or within 14 days after discovery of the defect has reached Optimizers in writing.
20.2 Complaints about invoices should also be submitted in writing, no later than within 21 days after the date of the invoice.
20.3 After the expiration of these terms, the Counter Party is deemed to have approved the activities, respectively the invoice. After that, Optimizers will no longer treat complaints.
20.4 If the complaint is regarded as founded by Optimizers, then Optimizers is solely obliged to execute the agreed activities still.
20.5 Only if and to the extent that the complaint is regarded to be properly founded, this will suspend the payment obligation of the Counter Party, till the moment that the complaint has been resolved.
Article 21 Right of suspension
Optimizers is authorized to suspend the further compliance with its obligations, till the moment on which the Counter Party has fully complied with its (due) obligation.
Article 22 Right of retention
Optimizers always has the right to retain anything it keeps under it from the Counter Party under any title, till the moment that the Counter Party has paid all it is due to Optimizers, or has provided sufficient surety. If Optimizers feels necessitated to exercise its right of retention, then it has also the right to charge the Counter Party for all related costs, including storage costs.
Article 23 Retention of ownership
23.1 Delivered goods remain property of Optimizers, till the moment on which the Counter Party has paid for all the deliveries or deliveries still to be made and activities under the Agreement, including interest and costs. In case of a stay of payment, bankruptcy, suspension of payment, liquidation of the Counter Party, of death when the Counter Party is a natural person, Optimizers is authorized to cancel the order without notification of default or intervention of the courts in its entirety or in part and to claim back the unpaid part of the delivered goods. Despite cancellation and repossession Optimizers retains the right to full compensation for loss or damage(s). In these instances each claim by Optimizers on the Counter Party shall be payable direct and in full.
23.2 The Counter Party is obliged to keep all goods delivered under the right of retention of ownership and to treat it with the necessary care and recognizable as Optimizers’ property and to insure it against all customary risks.
23.3 Optimizers always has the right to remove or have the goods delivered removed under the retention of ownership, if the Counter Party does not comply with its obligations towards correctly. The Counter Party shall provide, at Optimizers’ first request in this matter, all necessary cooperation and to grant unrestricted access to Optimizers or to the persons/aides employed by it.
23.4 The goods may not be given as lien/surety and cannot serve as collateral for a claim of a third party.
Article 24 Applicable law and disputes
24.1 The present Agreement and further agreements related to the present Agreement are governed by the Laws of the Netherlands. Disputes deriving from this Agreement shall be presented to the competent court in the court district where Optimizers is located.
24.2 In case of a dispute, the most eligible of Parties shall notify the other Party in writing that a dispute has arisen and summarily states what the dispute consists of in the view of that Party.
Terms of Service
Article 1 General
1.1 These Additional Terms and Conditions of Optimizers B.V. (hereinafter referred to as ‚Optimizers‘) apply to the ‚App4Sales-platform‘ Service, hereinafter referred to as the ‚Service‘.
1.2 Optimizers offers the User of App4Sales, hereinafter referred to as the ‚User‘, the opportunity to save digital data up to a capacity of 13 gigabytes and to share this data with third parties.
1.3 These Additional Terms and Conditions of Optimizers App4Sales apply in addition and in deviation of the licence and maintenance agreement of Optimizers. In the event of any conflicting information, these Additional Terms and Conditions apply.
1.4 By using the Service, the User agrees to these terms and conditions.
1.5 The use of the Service requires compatible equipment, access to the Internet (Wi-Fi or 3G/4G mobile network) and certain software (for which costs are possibly invoiced). It is also possible for software updates to be required from time to time. The performance of all these factors can influence the use of the Service.
Article 2 Duration and termination of the Service
2.1 The duration of the agreement for the Service commences on the day the User activated the Service. The duration of the license and maintenance agreement is for an indefinite period of time. The duration of the agreement for the Optimizers App4Sales continues for as long as the Services are engaged, or is at least equal to the duration of the licence and maintenance agreement.
2.2 Optimizers exclusively retains the right to invoice higher costs at any time for the use of the Services. Optimizers will take into account the reasonable interests of the User in this respect. The changes in costs will commence at least one month after having been notified in writing or electronically by Optimizers before taking effect.
2.3 The Service is terminated by Optimizers after prior notification by email to the email address linked to the account, if the User requests Optimizers to terminate the Service or when Optimizers considers that undesired circumstances are involved, such as payment in arrears, fraud or a nuisance. Directly after the Agreement, the User cannot access the Service anymore.
Article 3 Obligations User, data ownership and intellectual property rights.
3.1 The User is the owner of the placed data. Optimizers is not obligated to actively inspect the content of the data and/or information placed by the User to detect any unlawfulness. Optimizers also has no claim on the rights or titles on the content on the basis of the single fact that this data is placed in the Optimizers Cloud.
3.2 The User is not permitted to act contrary to the law, principles of morality and public order when using the Service. These activities include, but are not limited to:
- violating intellectual and industrial property rights in the broadest sense of the word, whereby all the intellectual property rights are and remain the exclusive property of Optimizers and the User cannot change, remove or make unrecognisable any indication of the intellectual property rights of Optimizers, nor will the User use or register any brand, design or domain name of Optimizers and any similar name or sign;
- abusing the service or the Internet by way of stalking, threatening, harassing or infringing the rights of third parties in any other way;
- intentionally spreading a computer virus, spamming, spreading malware or abusing the Service for the distribution of malware;
- hacking: intentionally entering a computer system or a part thereof against the will of the owner or the manager without permission or to make an attempt thereto or testing the system on weaknesses or (making an attempt to) avoid or change the safety and/or authentication measures;
- using or sending falsified identifying information, including ’spoofing‘ or ‚phishing‘;
- the unauthorised offering of products or services of third parties.
3.3 Optimizers retains the right in cases stated in 3.2 or similar cases to suspend the access to the Service and/or stop it permanently and/or to ‚freeze‘ the stored data at any moment and without prior notice thereof, whether or not pending legal investigations.
3.4 Optimizers is, in the cases referred to in 3.2 and 3.3 and similar cases not liable in respect of the User and third parties for any material or immaterial damage.
3.5 The User indemnifies Optimizers against claims of third parties in respect of the use of the Service and the content the User has stored there.
3.6 If Optimizers declares that if a situation as described in article. 3.3 arises, then Optimizers is entitled to invoice the User the costs related thereto as well as the costs related to the removing of any blocking of access to the Service.
3.7 The Service is intended for commercial use.
3.8 The User is responsible for safeguarding the password it uses to gain access to this Service. The User is also responsible for any activities conducted via the Optimizers Cloud account,
regardless of whether the User gave its permission thereto or not. The User must inform Optimizers immediately in the event of an unlawful use of the Optimizers Cloud-account the User.
Article 4 Availability
4.1 Optimizers strives to make the Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and strives to achieve the highest level of quality and availability of the Service possible. However, Optimizers cannot guarantee that the Service will function at all times without limitations or disruptions. For example, Optimizers does not guarantee that the content the User saves or opens via the Service is protected against unintentional damage, corruption, loss or destruction, or against removal pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. If such an incident takes place, Optimizers accepts no responsibility or liability, unless it involves the intent or gross negligence of Optimizers. Users are solely responsible for protecting all the uploaded content. Optimizers is also not liable for the temporary unavailability of the Service. The Service will be provided ‚as is‘. Optimizers specifically does not guarantee that errors in the applicable software will be corrected and that the material that has been downloaded or obtained via the services, is of a good quality or is safe. It is the responsibility of the User to determine whether the services comply with the User’s wishes by the information made available by Optimizers. This information can be incomplete and – insofar as this information is obtained from Optimizer’s external suppliers – the information can also be incorrect.
4.2 In addition to the safety measures taken by Optimizers with regard to its network situated in the Netherlands, the Service provides a safe storage means of data, which means that the data is protected against loss pursuant to the internationally accepted safety standard ISO 9001:2008 Tier encryption (AES 256), including the complaints procedure which forms part of it.
4.3 By using the Service, the User agrees to Optimizers analysing, collecting, using, sending and processing data with regard to the account for statistical and analytical purposes.
4.4 It is not permitted to reproduce, copy, duplicate, sell, resell, rent or trade the Service (or any part thereof) and the relevant software for any purpose.
4.5 The Service can be adjusted as time goes by and as Optimizers develops and adds more functionalities. In the event of such changes related to new developments, Optimizers can change the Service at all times or suspend or stop the Service temporarily, if necessary.