QuickBooks Online integration with App4Sales sales app

Simplify your sales process and save time with App4Sales! Register orders via the sales app during customer visits and send them directly to QuickBooks Online. Give your sales representatives access to App4Sales and increase your turnover.

Integrate the sales app within your organization and optimize the order process for your sales department. Thanks to the real-time integration with QuickBooks Online, your representatives are always updated on product and customer data. With App4Sales, they can easily register orders through the digital catalogue, after which the order can be signed for and forwarded to QuickBooks Online.

No internet connection? Your sales representatives can register orders offline, save them and forward them to QuickBooks Online as soon as they are connected again.


Create a lookbook with inspiring images

Digital catalogue

Access to current product and customer data

Customer database

Insight into customer data at all times

Real-time stock

View up-to-date item stocks in App4Sales

On- and offline

Register orders even without an internet connection

Product info

Add additional product information to the product card

The sales app for QuickBooks Online

  • Up-to-date data
  • Digital catalogue
  • Real-time stock
  • Customer database


QuickBooks Online integration with App4Sales

Your QuickBooks Online setup is connected to the App4Sales CMS. In the CMS, you manage your images, representatives and other settings for the sales app. Here you can also view the sales statistics of your representatives.

QuickBooks Online

App4Sales logo

  • View products
  • Manage customers
  • Forward orders


The App4Sales CMS retrieves product and customer data from QuickBooks Online. This data is then synchronized in App4Sales, giving your representatives access to up-to-date product and customer data in the sales app.

Do you have questions about the integration with QuickBooks Online? Please feel free to contact us!

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System requirements QuickBooks Online

In order for you to be able to optimally use App4Sales, you must have an iPad with at least iOS 10 or an Android device with Android 6.0.0 or higher.

Do you want to know how App4Sales works? View App4Sales in the QuickBooks app store or download the sales app for free on your iPad or Android device!

App 4 Sales in the iPad App Store
Get it from Google Play

QuickBooks Online: online cloud accounting

Thanks to QuickBooks Online, companies have access to their finances at any time. The accounting software is hosted in the cloud, is always up-to-date and can be used at any location.

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